This Weekend at Heritage Brewing: ‘Nama’stay for a Beer’!

Heritage Brewing, a Veteran-owned microbrewery, is gaining popularity in Manassas—and for good reason! With tasty brews, amiable customer service, and a neat location, what's not to love? The tap room is nestled amongst the barrel system, so you get to see where the action happens while sitting at the industrial concrete bar.

Their brewing principles are based upon sustainability, with 92% of the ingredients utilized being organic or sourced locally. The menu boasts five flagship brews that they have available at all times as well as a variety of experimental and seasonal brews to mix it up every time you visit. The tap room pours all kinds of options, from rich stouts to hoppy IPAs and everything in between.

The tap room is open Thursdays through Sundays. On Saturdays they offer brewery tours for only $5, which also include a flight of their flagship brews. What's more, Heritage Brewing is known to host fun events, like Nama'stay for a Beer, a 45-minute yoga class coming up on July 10. An ice-cold beer is included in the ticket price!

Grab a Pint and Meet New Friends at Heritage Brewing

The folks behind Heritage Brewing are both veterans and patriots, so they have a special place in their hearts for the people of this country. That's precisely why they craft such high quality beers at Heritage Brewery, using only organic and sustainable ingredients. They also care about keeping the United States' land healthy for years to come, which is why they enlist eco-friendly products and processes whenever possible.

But even if you didn't know about all the behind-the-scenes stuff going on at Heritage Brewing, since it's so close to The Courts at Historic Manassas (about 1.5 miles away, to be precise), you would still probably want to stop by for a pint. The Kings Mountain Scotch Ale is one of the most popular pours, which makes sense since it was one of the first beers produced by Heritage. Even if you're not obsessed with craft beer, you might want to check out the trivia night, Christmas sweater party, and other fun events held regularly at Heritage Brewing.

Heritage Brewing
9436 Center Point Lane
Manassas, VA 20111
(571) 358-8463

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