Let’s Clear the Air: The 4 Best Air-Purifying Houseplants

Have you ever considered adding a few air purifying plants to your apartment's decor? Not only do lush, green plants brighten up a space, they also clean the air and help remove toxins. Here are four of the best houseplants for air purification.

  • Boston fern. This tried-and-true houseplant doesn’t just look great, it also removes more formaldehyde from the air than any other type of plant. With its long, textured leaves and springy shape, ferns are ideal for an empty space on a shelf or even the floor.
  • Palm tree. If you want something a bit bigger, classic palm trees are also very good at removing formaldehyde from the air. They’re very easy to care for, and they add a tropical look to your home.
  • Golden pothos. This is one of the most popular houseplants, and for very good reason. It is almost impossible to kill, which makes it a great starter houseplant, and it’s also effective at purifying the air.
  • Peace lily. The flowering peace lily is one of only a few that will bloom indoors, and it removes benzene and certain VOCs from harsh cleaning products.

Natural Air Cleaners [Rodale’s Organic Life]
Types of Houseplants To Clean Indoor Air [Sustainable Baby Steps]
10 Clean-Air Plants for Your Home [This Old House]

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