Easy and Effective Ways to Combat Stress

Everyone gets stressed out from time to time, but if it starts to interfere with your day-to-day life, you could be dealing with something a bit more serious. The next time you start to feel those overwhelming feelings creeping on you, try these simple tips for combating stress naturally.

  • Don’t let it go too far. It’s much easier to manage stress when it first begins than when it starts to spiral out of control, so watch out for the warning signs early. If you can tell that it’s going to be a stressful week, prepare in advance so that you can manage your tasks without becoming overwhelmed.
  • Address the physical side effects. While stress itself is mental, its side effects are often physical. When you start to get jittery or your feel your heart racing, do some relaxing stretches, practice breathing exercises, or simply close your eyes and count to 10 to counteract those feelings.
  • Watch your diet. Before you start stress eating or grabbing unhealthy fast food while rushing to work, stop and plan your meals. What you eat can have a big impact on your mental state, so be sure to try to eat fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins to stay energized. Try to steer clear of caffeine!
  • Do something silly. Take a break from life (even if it’s just for five minutes) to laugh at a silly video or dance it out. Sometimes that’s all you need!

Top 10 Instant Stress Busters [Lifehacker]
7 Best Ways to Bust Stress [SheKnows]
15 Easy Ways to Bust Work Stress [Men’s Health]

Helpful Tips for Controlling Your Blood Pressure

Controlling your blood pressure is important as you age, as it may decrease your risk of stroke or heart attack. High blood pressure, otherwise known as hypertension, is a blood pressure level of 140/90 mmHg or higher. If you feel that you may be at risk for high blood pressure or you simply want to take preventative measures, these simple tips can help. But first, remember to consult with your doctor!

  1. Start a heart-healthy diet. The most important way to control your blood pressure through your diet is by decreasing your sodium intake and not consuming saturated fats. You should also incorporate more lean meats, fish, and fresh fruits and vegetables into your daily diet.
  2. Lose some weight. The majority of people with high blood pressure are at least 10 pounds overweight, so this makes a good starting point for how much you should lose to see blood pressure results. If you’re already on blood pressure medication, this can also help make it more effective.
  3. Decrease stress. Although stress isn’t the main cause of high blood pressure, it is certainly a contributing factor. Practice meditation and deep breathing to help ward off stressors in your daily life.
  4. Quit your vices. Bad health habits like smoking, drinking, and consuming too much caffeine can all increase your blood pressure, so try to cut them out of your life.

Prevention & Treatment of High Blood Pressure [American Heart Association]
Lower Your Blood Pressure Fast With These Tips [Healthline]
Preventing High Blood Pressure: Healthy Living Habits [CDC]

Traveling Abroad? Stay Healthy With These Tips!

Your vacation abroad should be one of the most exciting times in your life, but it won’t be much fun if you spend the week sick in your hotel room. Many foreign travelers become sick from the germs in the airport or the strange climate, but it isn’t unavoidable. Here are a few simple ways to stay healthy while traveling abroad.

  1. Pack the right supplies. Things like antibiotics and a basic first aid kit will help in case of minor colds, and you should also be sure to bring along any regular medications that you take on a daily basis. In case you contract a more serious illness, packing your medical documents is also important.
  2. Visit a doctor beforehand. Some foreign countries require immunizations, so be sure to let your doctor know about your travel plans. It’s also important to keep your doctor in the loop in case you need to contact him or her while abroad.
  3. Wash your hands. Just like you do at home, it’s important to wash your hands before eating, after using the restroom, and periodically throughout the day. Avoid touching your face, too.
  4. Be smart. No matter how many precautions you take against illness, your best tool is your own judgment. Don’t eat foods that look like they were prepared in unsanitary conditions, and be sure to never accept medications from anyone but a licensed doctor.

Stay Healthy While Traveling Abroad [FDA]
5 Ways to Stay Healthy While Traveling Abroad [CNN Health]
18 Surefire Ways to Get Sick While Traveling [Independent Traveler]

Saturated Fats Lurk in These Two Common Foods

Saturated fats are a hot topic in the nutrition world today, mainly because they increase the blood cholesterol that leads to heart disease. Though the average person should consume less than 10% of these “solid” fats each day, most Americans go well over that amount. If you want to cut down on the saturated fats that you’re likely unknowingly consuming, here are two foods to avoid.

  1. High-fat cuts of meat. Saturated fats often appear in the marbled parts of meat, which are quite literally where the fat is stored in the animal. Avoid marbled meats like bacon, salami, and lesser quality cuts of steak in order to reduce your saturated fat intake, and be sure to trim the fat from any meat that you prepare.
  2. Coconut oil. Though many sources have been preaching the health benefits of coconut oil lately, if you’re avoiding saturated fats the negatives often outweigh the positives. Coconut oil is a hydrogenated oil, which is by definition the food that contains the most saturated fat. It is made up of 93% saturated fat, and just one tablespoon of coconut oil contains 65% of your recommended daily value.

Top 10 Foods Highest in Saturated Fat [Healthaliciousness]
Saturated Fats Are Primarily Found in What Groups? [SF Gate]
Saturated Fat [CDC]
Fat and Oils [Better Health Channel]

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