How To Tell If Pineapples and Avocados Are Ripe

December 17, 2013 | sack

While fruits like bananas and peaches show telltale signs of being ripe, other fruits can be a little trickier to read. Case in point: pineapples and avocados, two gems from the produce department that seem to go from underripe to spoiled in the blink of an eye. Here are a few tips to help pick pineapples and avocados at their peak.

Choosing one of these spiky bromeliads at their peak can be tricky. While some say that green pineapples can actually be ripe, your best bet is to seek out fruit that's 1) uniformly golden yellow and 2) doesn't show any signs of deterioration, i.e. leakage,  wrinkled skin, mold, or browned leaves. The base of the pineapple should smell sweet and mild.

Unlike pineapples, avocados continue to ripen after being harvested, which means that avocados that are underripe at the market will continue to ripen at home. That said, skip overripe avocados—avocados that are wrinkly and mushy to the touch. An avocado at its peak will yield slightly when pressed, while an underripe avocado will be very firm. A perfectly ripe avocado should be consumed within a day or two. Miss the ripeness window? A slightly overripe avocado makes great guacamole!

A Guide to Choosing a Ripe Pineapple [NY Times]
Pick & Buy Hass Avocados [Hass Avocados]

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