Improve Your Posture

When you slouch, it restricts your breathing, compresses your organs, and strains your back. If you make a habit of standing and sitting up straight, you will not only be doing your body a favor, but you will instantly look 10 lbs thinner! Here are some easy ways to keep your posture in check.

1: Take a look in the mirror.

Stand with your side facing a mirror, and check out your natural stance, without forcing correct posture. Sometimes a visual reality check is the best incentive to make your posture a priority. If you see that you’re slouching, draw your chin back to align ears over shoulders, and engage your stomach muscles. Correct posture aligns ears over shoulders, shoulders over hips, and hips over knees and ankles.

2: Sit up straight!

When you sit, press your back against the chair, and set up with both feet flat on the floor. Your neck and head should be vertical, and if you’re working on a computer, make sure your computer screen is raised high enough so that your eyes focus just slightly downward.

3: Get rid of bad shoes.

Shoes with higher heels misalign the body, so wear them sparingly, and the same goes for unsupportive flats and sandals. The best shoes provide arch support, have wide toe boxes, and less than one-inch heels.

4: Work it out.

Classes like yoga, tai chi, qigong, all work proper body alignment, and are great for improving your body awareness and posture over time. If you feel you need more individualized assistance, considering arranging an appointment with a physical therapist.

5: Remind yourself…again…and again

Post sticky notes around your home with reminders to sit and stand tall. The more often you’re reminded, the more often you can practice proper posture!

The Benefits of Omega-3s

Omega-3s are essential fatty acids found in foods such as olive oil, flaxseed oil, salmon, sardines, and walnuts, and we all need them in order for our bodies to function properly. One of their most crucial benefits is that these fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, and a lot of diseases, such as heart disease and arthritis are linked to the inflammatory issues.

The Mayo Clinic touts some of the health benefits of Omega-3s, benefits such as:

  • reducing the risk of heart attack
  • reducing heart arhythmia
  • reducing risk of stroke
  • lowering blood pressure
  • lowering triglycerides

Visit the Mayo Clinic's website to learn more about Omega-3s.

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