Easy Ways to Relieve Back Pain

If your back is giving you issues, you don’t need to just live with it. Even if you’ve suffered from chronic back pain most of your life, there are simple, easy ways to help alleviate your aching spine.

Sleep Well – Sound sleep helps to repair overworked muscles and ease inflammation. For an improved night's rest, it’s essential to have a good mattress and also test out various sleeping postures to see what works best for your body. Sleeping on your side is generally recommended for back pain sufferers, and many people like to place a pillow between their knees for additional support.

Move Your Body – When you suffer from back pain, moving often seems like a bad (or at least painful) idea, but gentle exercise is essential to heal and strengthen your muscles. Start with gentle stretches, and then try going for a slow, steady walk. As you stretch and strengthen your muscles, you may very well notice your back pain disappearing!

Pain Killers – For short term relief, over-the-counter pain killers can work wonders.  Look for a NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen. This combined with gentle movement, like a walk, are often thought of as the very best remedies for low back pain.

Heat & Cold – Cold therapy, like an ice pack, works well for inflammation and also reduces swelling. Heat, such as a hot water bottle or heating pad, is best for alleviating muscle spasms and cramping. Experiment with what feels best for your back pain.

Sleep Better Tonight!

If you have trouble sleeping, or don't feel rested in the morning, you're not alone. Thousands of people suffer from poor sleep and insomnia, but that doesn't mean you're destined for sleepless nights forever! Check out these simple, easy tips that you can incorporate into your lifestyle today.

  • Avoid screens before bed. iPads, smartphones, and TVs can disrupt your body's natural cycle, making it hard to fall asleep and difficult to stay asleep
  • Try to go to bed at the same time each night, and to wake up at the same time each morning. A regular routine can establish a good rhythm for your body.
  • Read a book or a magazine right before bed. The energy it takes to read the printed page can help you relax gently into sleep.
  • Don't drink caffeine or alcohol close to bedtime. We all know coffee can keep you awake, but alcohol impacts restful sleep as well
  • Do some light exercise. Exercise in general may help get better sleep, but it's better to do some light stretching than to do full-on cardio in the hours before bedtime.

Knock Knock. Who’s There? The Amazing Benefits of Laughter

Laughing feels good. We all love a hearty belly-laugh, a cute giggle, or a jovial chuckle. But did you know that laughter not only feels great in the moment, but it also offers long-term benefits to your health?! The reason that laughter offers such profound health benefits is that it allows the pituitary gland to release pain-suppressing opiates.

So, what exactly can laughter do for you? It can…

  • Decrease blood pressure
  • Improve vascular blood flow
  • Oxygenate the blood
  • Give the diaphragm, abdominals, facial, leg, and back muscles a workout
  • Improve respiratory function
  • Reduce stress hormones, including cortisol and adrenaline
  • Improve the response of tumor- and disease-suppressing cells
  • Prevent respiratory infections
  • Reduce the occurrence of colds
  • Improve memory and increase learning
  • Help with alertness and creativity

If you’re looking for a super simple (and enjoyable) way to boost your overall wellness – start laughing! Turn to your friends, family, favorite joke book, comedian, or funny movie to help you crack a smile, if need be.

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