Ooh and Ahh Over Tunes and Fireworks at the July 4th Symphony and Fireworks!

This Fourth of July, Austin celebrates its independence with a performance from the Austin Symphony. Vic Mathias Shores along Lady Bird Lake (which used to be called Auditorium Shores) transforms into the orchestra's playground at 8:30 p.m. on July 4, and everyone is welcome to enjoy it.

Unfolding just about a mile from Lamar Union, the performance typically attracts about 100,000 guests, so make sure your group's red, white, and blue attire is on par with the rest of the crowd. Claim a spot on the grass and enjoy the orchestra's patriotic tunes as the sun begins to dip below the city skyline. When the sun has completed its descent at 9:30 p.m., stick around for an awe-inspiring fireworks display right along the lake. If these patriotic events aren't enough to bring you to Vic Mathias Shores this Saturday, then perhaps the food, drink, and arts and crafts that serve as the prelude to the symphony—booths open at 4 p.m.

July 4th Symphony and Fireworks
Vic Mathias Shores (formerly Auditorium Shores)
8:30 p.m. July 4
800 W. Riverside Drive
Austin, TX 78704
(512) 441-9015

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