Clean Up the Air in Your Apartment With These Purifying Plants

Not only do houseplants add a burst of green color and life to your space, they also clean the air and keep things feeling fresh. If your home could use a bit of purifying, here are some of the best plants to do the job.

  • Aloe. Many people know that aloe is great for your skin, but did you also know that the plant is good at purifying the air? This spiky plant clears chemicals from the air from many common household cleaning products, but you'll want to make sure that it gets plenty of sunlight to keep it healthy.
  • Rubber tree. With its large, dark green leaves and its rubbery texture, the rubber tree is very attractive and durable. It also eliminates toxins from the air, which makes it a great plant for stuffy spaces.
  • Peace lily. Looking for a flowering plant that will also clear the air? The peace lily is the one to choose! It has a beautiful, white flower on top of a long, green stem, and because it does well in the shade, it's a great choice for a room that doesn't get a lot of sunlight.
  • Bamboo. Bamboo is one of the very best plants for purifying the air and absorbing toxins, especially benzene and trichloroethylene. This particular plant requires a lot of water, however, which means that it's best for experienced plant owners.

10 Best Houseplants To De-Stress Your Home And Purify The Air [Huffington Post]

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