Snack on a Handful of These Fiber-Rich Foods

Though many people think of breads and bran cereals when it comes to fiber, there are actually a wide variety of other food sources for this beneficial nutrient. If you want to incorporate more fiber into your diet in order to improve your digestion, prevent stroke and heart attack, and keep you feeling more full, try these two surprising food sources.

  1. Nuts. While fiber-rich breads can be high in calories and carbohydrates, nuts are a healthy snack that will also provide you with healthy fiber. Just 1/4 cup of almonds contains four grams of fiber, which really adds up if you eat small handfuls throughout the day. If you prefer a different type of nut to almonds, that’s okay too; each type of nut contains a variety of unique health benefits and its own amount of fiber.
  2. Chia seeds. If you’re growing a bit tired of getting fiber from fruits and vegetables, try eating chia seeds instead. These tiny seeds contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, and just one tablespoon contains up to six grams of the nutrient. Many people add chia seeds to their iced tea or another cold beverage before consuming them. This causes the seeds to swell full of the liquid, which makes for a truly unique and healthy snack.

The 16 Most Surprising High-Fiber Foods [Greatist]
High Fiber Foods: 7 Surprising Sources [HuffPost Healthy Living]
10 Surprising Sources of Fiber [Yahoo! Shine]
The Most Surprising High-Fiber Foods [Health]

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