How to Reduce Your Daily Caffeine Intake

You might feel like you simply can’t function without your morning coffee, but that boost of caffeine may be doing you more harm than good. Caffeine addiction causes you to rely on drinking coffee, soda, and energy drinks throughout the day, and it is also proven to contribute to stress and anxiety. If you want to cut back on the amount of caffeine you consume per day, these simple tips will make it easier.

  1. Examine your intake. Studies show that 200 milligrams of caffeine or less is a healthy amount for the average adult to consume per day. This translates to about two strong cups of coffee, so this is an easy way to decipher how much you need to limit yourself. If you can’t make it through the workday without that third cup in the afternoon, that’s a good place to start.
  2. Gradually cut back. Quitting caffeine cold turkey is just as painful as quitting any other bad habit. To prevent headaches, grogginess, and other signs of caffeine withdrawal, mix your usual coffee with a bit more decaf every day, or work your way down to just two cups of coffee instead of your usual amount.
  3. Be smart about caffeine. Once you know that you can only have two cups per day, you should choose when to drink them wisely. If you feel most tired early in the morning and around 2 p.m., plan on drinking your cup of joe about an hour before those times.

Easy Ways to Reduce Caffeine Intake [U.S. News]
How to Lower Your Caffeine Intake Without Headaches [Fitday]
10 Ways to Start Your Day Without Caffeine [Everyday Health]
Caffeine [McKinley Health Center]

Saturated Fats Lurk in These Two Common Foods

Saturated fats are a hot topic in the nutrition world today, mainly because they increase the blood cholesterol that leads to heart disease. Though the average person should consume less than 10% of these “solid” fats each day, most Americans go well over that amount. If you want to cut down on the saturated fats that you’re likely unknowingly consuming, here are two foods to avoid.

  1. High-fat cuts of meat. Saturated fats often appear in the marbled parts of meat, which are quite literally where the fat is stored in the animal. Avoid marbled meats like bacon, salami, and lesser quality cuts of steak in order to reduce your saturated fat intake, and be sure to trim the fat from any meat that you prepare.
  2. Coconut oil. Though many sources have been preaching the health benefits of coconut oil lately, if you’re avoiding saturated fats the negatives often outweigh the positives. Coconut oil is a hydrogenated oil, which is by definition the food that contains the most saturated fat. It is made up of 93% saturated fat, and just one tablespoon of coconut oil contains 65% of your recommended daily value.

Top 10 Foods Highest in Saturated Fat [Healthaliciousness]
Saturated Fats Are Primarily Found in What Groups? [SF Gate]
Saturated Fat [CDC]
Fat and Oils [Better Health Channel]

Snack on a Handful of These Fiber-Rich Foods

Though many people think of breads and bran cereals when it comes to fiber, there are actually a wide variety of other food sources for this beneficial nutrient. If you want to incorporate more fiber into your diet in order to improve your digestion, prevent stroke and heart attack, and keep you feeling more full, try these two surprising food sources.

  1. Nuts. While fiber-rich breads can be high in calories and carbohydrates, nuts are a healthy snack that will also provide you with healthy fiber. Just 1/4 cup of almonds contains four grams of fiber, which really adds up if you eat small handfuls throughout the day. If you prefer a different type of nut to almonds, that’s okay too; each type of nut contains a variety of unique health benefits and its own amount of fiber.
  2. Chia seeds. If you’re growing a bit tired of getting fiber from fruits and vegetables, try eating chia seeds instead. These tiny seeds contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, and just one tablespoon contains up to six grams of the nutrient. Many people add chia seeds to their iced tea or another cold beverage before consuming them. This causes the seeds to swell full of the liquid, which makes for a truly unique and healthy snack.

The 16 Most Surprising High-Fiber Foods [Greatist]
High Fiber Foods: 7 Surprising Sources [HuffPost Healthy Living]
10 Surprising Sources of Fiber [Yahoo! Shine]
The Most Surprising High-Fiber Foods [Health]

These Fiber-Rich Foods Might Surprise You

Fiber is good for much more than digestion; it can also reduce your risk of stroke, hypertension, and heart disease, and it can make you feel fuller longer! Because only around 3% of Americans consume the recommended amount of fiber, check out these surprising sources to incorporate more into your diet.

  1. Legumes. Foods like split peas, lentils, and black beans are some of the best sources of fiber in the legume family. They all contain 15 grams of fiber or more per cup, and they’re a very filling side dish or accompaniment to soups, salads, and rice dishes.
  2. Artichokes. The oddly shaped artichoke is having a moment in the cooking world lately, and for very good reason. One medium artichoke contains 10.3 grams of beneficial fiber, and it tastes delicious when cooked with olive oil and a bit of sea salt.
  3. Raspberries. Fruits aren’t normally the first place you look for fiber, but raspberries actually contain a very impressive amount of the nutrient. One cup of raw raspberries contains eight grams of fiber, and they’re sweet and juicy to eat.

The 16 Most Surprising High-Fiber Foods [Greatist]
High Fiber Foods: 7 Surprising Sources [HuffPost Healthy Living]
10 Surprising Sources of Fiber [Yahoo! Shine]
The Most Surprising High-Fiber Foods [Health]

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