Experience a Hong Kong Tradition at the Houston Dragon Boat Festival

Dragon boats bring beautiful mythical creatures into the modern age. They're traditional Chinese watercraft embellished in an explosion of bright colors to actually evoke dragons. With a crew of 20 paddlers, one steersperson, and a drummer on board, they race down rivers in a display of athleticism and teamwork. The Houston Dragon Boat Festival brings this Asian tradition to your city every year.

Head out to the festival on Saturday, May 5th at Allen's Landing to watch the show. The teams will face off against each other in the striking dragon boats, churning through the water as quickly as possible along courses that range from 250 to 1,000 meters. In between the feats of strength, which run every 10 or 15 minutes, check out cultural performances and live music or enjoy some hot food at the Houston Dragon Boat Festival.

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