Watching Your Waistline? Check Out These Weight Loss Tips for Women

Just about every website and magazine today claims to offer miracle diet tips, but the only real way to lose weight is by exercising regularly and watching what you eat. These smart (and realistic!) tips can help keep women on track to shedding those extra pounds.

  1. Determine your individual calorie intake. Sure, counting calories is important for everyone, but not every woman’s body requires the same amount of calories each day. Work with a doctor to determine your recommended daily amount based on your weight loss goals.
  2. Practice portion control. Even if your diet already consists of mainly lean meats, fruits, and veggies, many people go overboard when it comes to portion control. Measure out your portions beforehand to stay on track.
  3. Forgo diet treats. Every American supermarket is filled with “diet” versions of unhealthy treats, but in most cases, you’re better off opting for a smaller serving size of the real deal. That way, you won’t be tempted to overindulge.
  4. Balance cardio and strength workouts. Most people prefer one or the other when it comes to their gym habits, but it’s important to balance both types of exercise if you really want to lose weight.
  5. Amp up your workouts. Practice short bursts of intense activity, which burn far more calories and help you to lose weight faster.

Our 75 Best Tips for Losing Weight [Women’s Day]
7 Weight Loss Mistakes Even Healthy Women Make [Prevention]
7 Weight Loss Challenges and Tips for Women [ShareCare]

Watching Your Weight? Don’t Make These Dieting Mistakes!

You might think that you’re on a fairly healthy diet that will eventually lead to your goal weight, but some of your eating habits might actually do more harm than good when it comes to weight loss. Check out these common dieting mistakes to make sure that they’re not a part of your daily routine

  • Eating too fast. By rushing through every meal, you don’t give your body enough time to actually feel full. If you eat slower, you’re more likely to stop eating when you’ve actually had enough.
  • Forgoing meals. Instead of making you lose weight faster, skipping meals actually leads to consuming more calories later in the day. Even if you’re not feeling hungry at meal time, try eating a small snack to keep your appetite regulated.
  • Consuming liquid calories. Many dieters don’t realize just how many calories there are in many common beverages. Drinks like wine, beer, coffee, and even juices can add hundreds of unnecessary calories throughout the day.
  • Eating too-large portions. It’s always smart to measure the portion size of your food before eating it, as it is very difficult to judge the amount of calories simply by looking at a food. You can do this by using a food scale or carrying plastic containers in the recommended sizes.

Diet Mistakes: 6 Reasons You're Not Losing Weight [WebMD]
14 Diet Foods To Avoid [Prevention]
13 Healthy Foods to Avoid For Weight Loss! [Active Beat]
Jillian Michaels: Weight-Loss Tips That Work [Health]

Confused About Cholesterol? Learn More About It

How much cholesterol should a person really consume in a day? Are some types of cholesterol worse than others? There are a number of confusing “facts” floating around about the mysterious topic of cholesterol, and it may seem difficult to decide which ones are true. Here are a few definitive statements that will set the record straight and put you on the right track toward lower cholesterol. (Remember to consult with your doctor for medical advice!)

  1. Women should worry about their cholesterol just as much as men. Although many people think that cholesterol is man’s problem, once women enter menopause it affects them just as much. Menopause causes a woman’s “good” HDL cholesterol levels to decrease and their “bad” LDL levels to increase, which puts them at just as much risk.
  2. Everyone should practice a healthy diet and regular exercise routine to prevent high cholesterol. While being overweight or obese does put you at a much higher risk for high cholesterol, genetics are to blame for many instances of high cholesterol, as well. No matter how thin or physically fit you are, all adults should be concerned with their cholesterol levels.
  3. Whole foods are always better than packaged foods. There are many packaged foods that claim to be low in cholesterol, but they are often filled with other things (such as trans fats) that can also increase your cholesterol levels. Fruits, vegetables, and lean meats are always a better choice.

Common Misconceptions about Cholesterol [American Heart Association]
The Top 5 Cholesterol Myths [Health]
4 Dubious 'Facts' About High Cholesterol [Everyday Health]
Common Misconceptions About Cholesterol, Foods and Fats [Natural Therapy Pages]

How to Adapt Your Fitness Routine to the Fall Season

Once the weather gets chilly and you don’t have the luxury of slipping on your running shorts and going for a morning jog, it can be difficult to stay active. That doesn’t mean that your workout routine should grind to a halt, however. Here are a few smart ways to switch up your exercise routine for autumn weather.

  1. Work around changing schedules. Not only does the weather change in the fall season, so does your schedule. If you have to transport the kids to and from school, arrange to work out in the afternoons when you can expect to have some time to yourself.
  2. Keep indoor workouts on hand. Although the fall provides beautiful backdrops for running outdoors, its unpredictable weather can also bring cold temperatures or even rainfall. Be sure to research a few indoor workouts so that your routine stays on track.
  3. Prepare for the weather. If you live in an area that gets very cold come fall, stock up on thermal leggings, long-sleeve shirts, and even gloves to wear while running. It’s also smart to wear reflectors on your clothing if you like to work out outside, since the sun goes down earlier during the autumn season.

Adapting Your Outdoor Exercise Routine for the Fall Season [Fitness Together]
Adapt Your Workout for Cooler Weather [F&W News]
Fall Fitness: Stay Healthy This Autumn With These Health Tips [YMCA]

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