Choose Fresh Fruits and Vegetables With a Few Simple Tips

Don’t you hate it when you buy produce at the grocery store, only to come home and realize that it’s tough and flavorless? Or when you bring home fruits and they become mushy and overripe before you can eat them? If you want to learn how to choose fruits and vegetables right at their peak of ripeness, these simple tips can help.

Check the color.
It’s important to know what color each fruit or vegetable should be before you purchase it. Most fruits should be the most vibrant shade of their expected color, such as bright red apples or sunny yellow bananas. Green vegetables should be a deep, dark green, and other vegetables, like carrots, should not have white aging signs on them.

Feel the texture.
Bruising is one of the main issues when buying fruits and vegetables, so gently hold your produce to feel if it’s bruised or soft. Citrus fruits should feel particularly heavy for their size, as that means they’re full of juice. Vegetables like cucumbers and peppers should feel firm to the touch, while lettuce or spinach should be leafy and full.

Store them properly.
Once you get your produce home, storing it properly helps to conserve its freshness. Most perishable fruits and veggies should be stored in a clean refrigerator at a temperature of 40 degrees or lower.

Choosing Fresh Fruits and Vegetables [Family Circle]
Raw Produce [FDA]

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