4 Foods to Avoid Before Bedtime

If you’re the type of person who loves a good midnight snack, you may be wreaking havoc on your quality of sleep without even realizing it. While some foods are okay to eat right before bed, others will make it much more difficult to drift off into a dream state. Here are a few foods to avoid before hitting the hay!

  1. Potato chips. Foods that are filled with grease and fat, such as potato chips or French fries, take quite a bit more effort to digest. With your stomach working overtime, it is much more difficult to fall asleep.
  2. Ice cream. Think twice before having that bowl of ice cream while watching late night TV. Fatty foods like this are also more difficult to digest, which could lead to you lying awake with cramps and discomfort.
  3. Candy. Sugar-packed candies will cause your blood sugar levels to spike, leaving you feeling too restless for rest.
  4. Red meat. If you grab a fast food burger on your drive home after a late night, you may not be able to fall asleep once you actually crawl into bed. Red meats like this sit in your stomach much longer than other types of foods, and your body uses a lot more effort to digest them.

9 Things Your Should Never Eat or Drink After 9PM [Bodybuilding.com]
The 5 Worst Types of Foods to Eat Late at Night [Prevention]
The 10 Best and Worst Foods to Eat for Sleep [Fitness]
10 Foods to Avoid Before Bed [Fox News Health]

Spring Into Shape With These Outdoor Exercise Tips

The dreary winter cold can leave you in a bit of an exercise rut, but the springtime sun makes everyone more motivated to get outdoors and get in shape. These exercise tips will help you get in your best shape ever—all while experiencing the great outdoors.

Buddy up.
There are a number of different reasons why working out with another person is helpful, but the number one reason is because it’s more fun! You’ll look forward to working out much more if you have a friend by your side, and being outdoors will be that much more motivation.

Improve your gear.
It’s beneficial to have the proper shoes and workout attire, especially when you’re exercising outdoors. Warm thermal shirts are important for the days when it’s not quite springtime weather, and breezy, breathable fabrics help once the temperature reaches its full potential. Having the proper outdoor running shoes can also prevent injuries and make you feel more comfortable on the pavement.

Experiment with exercises you haven’t tried before.
You probably haven’t jumped rope since gym class, but this fun and simple outdoor activity burns up to 208 calories in just 20 minutes. Swimming is another fun outdoor activity, and starting slow with a few leisurely laps makes it much less intimidating.

Spring Training Fitness Tips [Shape]
Great Spring Exercise Ideas [Fitness.com]

Feel a Cold Coming On? Load Up on These Surprising Vitamin C-Rich Foods!

If you feel a cold coming on, there are few better natural remedies than to eat foods that are high in Vitamin C. Orange juice is a popular option, but you can also take advantage of the high levels of Vitamin C in a wide variety of other fruits and vegetables. Here are just a few of the best sources of Vitamin C for the next time you’re feeling a bit under the weather.

  1. Papaya. Papayas are just as sweet and refreshing as oranges, and they contain 95.6 milligrams of Vitamin C in just one small fruit. Papayas are also rich in Vitamin A and dietary fiber. To get even more of this valuable vitamin, mash enough papaya to fill one cup; it provides about 140 milligrams of Vitamin C.
  2. Broccoli. Whether you toss it into a stir fry or eat it raw as a snack, broccoli is another great source of beneficial Vitamin C. One 148-gram serving provides about 132 milligrams of C vitamins that boost your immune system and prevent illness.
  3. Kale. Kale isn’t just a trendy so-called “superfood,” it actually does provide a whole slew of health benefits. Just two cups of chopped kale offers 160.8 milligrams of Vitamin C, as well as large amounts of Vitamins A and K, phytonutrients, and fiber.

Surprising Sources of Vitamin C [Berkeley Wellness]
7 Surprising (and Delicious) Sources of Vitamin C [Care2]
7 Foods With More Vitamin C Than an Orange [Huffington Post]

What’s In Season? Your Guide to Spring Produce

Spring is a bountiful time of the year when it comes to fresh produce, but it always helps to know exactly what’s in season. If you want to purchase only the freshest, most flavorful fruits and veggies and ensure that they last as long as possible in your fridge, use these helpful tips for understanding spring produce.

  1. Artichokes. Whether you use them on pizzas or add them to your salads, artichokes are a great way to add flavor and nutrients to your meals. Their main harvest takes place during the springtime, so look for the ones with close, compact leaves and clean-cut stems.
  2. Asparagus. This popular veggie is found in a number of high-end restaurants, but you can easily prepare it at home if you purchase it fresh in the springtime. The thickness doesn’t necessarily indicate tenderness, so don’t overlook thinner or thicker spears at your grocery store.
  3. Carrots. While carrots are commonly found in grocery stores year-round, they taste best during the spring season. Only purchase bundles that are firm to the touch for maximum freshness.
  4. Leafy greens. Nutrient-rich veggies like chard, kale, and other cooking greens tend to turn bitter during hot summer months, so purchase them in the spring for the best taste.
  5. Fennel. If you’ve never cooked with fennel, experiment with this green (a relative of celery) when it comes into season during the warmer springtime.
  6. Grapefruit. Create a nutritious breakfast by adding grapefruit, which starts to become plump and juicy in January.

Spring Produce: Your Guide to Picking the Best [Greatist]
What’s in Season? Spring [Fruits and Veggies More Matters]
Fresh Spring Fruits and Vegetables [About Food]

You Might Be Surprised That These Common Foods Are High in Sugar

Some foods are obviously high in sugar, such as cakes, sodas, and ice cream. But did you know that there are sneaky high-sugar foods that may be sabotaging your diet without you even knowing it? Here are a few foods that are surprisingly high in sugar.

  1. Fat-free yogurts. Sure, fat-free yogurts don’t contain fat, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re low in sugar, too! In fact, the majority of low-fat and fat-free yogurts overcompensate by adding quite a bit of sugar to sweeten up the taste. Be sure to check the label on your favorite sweet side, because some 0% yogurts can contain as many as 20 grams of sugar.
  2. Marinara sauce. Marinara sauce is often viewed as a healthy alternative to creamy Alfredo sauces, but this savory pasta topping can be packed full of sugars. Beware of store bought cans and jars especially, as they’re the most common culprits.
  3. Bread. Even supposedly healthy breads, like whole grain and wheat, can contain about three grams of sugar per slice. Processed breads are usually much higher in sugars than freshly baked options, so opt for a loaf from the bakery or a sprouted wheat bread from the health food store.

6 Surprising Sources of Sugar [Eating Well]
6 Hidden Sugar Mines in Your Diet [Next Avenue]
Sugar: Five Foods Surprisingly High in Sugar [BBC]

New to the Kitchen? Memorize These Basic Cooking Terms

When you’re about to make a new dish, it helps to know exactly how to interpret each term in the recipe. More than just abbreviations like "tsp." or "oz.," recipes often include phrases like "blanch," "caramelize," and "pickle," making it a little more challenging to know if you're making it correctly. Here are four kitchen terms that you should keep in your arsenal in order to follow a recipe.

  1. Blanch (or blanche). This is a term that refers to the process of boiling vegetables or nuts to remove their skins and seal in their flavor. It's often done before canning or freezing.
  2. Caramelize. When sugar is heated to higher than 300 degrees, it turns brown and takes on a unique taste—that is, it caramelizes.
  3. Pickle. This is a type of fermentation that occurs when vegetables or meats are preserved in brine.
  4. Reduce. When a recipe calls for liquid to be reduced, it means to bring it to a rapid boil causing evaporation. This allows it the liquid or sauce to thicken, increasing its volume and flavor.

The Basic Kitchen: Glossary of Cooking Terms [Le Petites Gourmettes]
Glossary of Cooking Terms [Better Homes and Gardens]
Cooking Terms [Recipe Goldmine]
Glossary of Cooking Terms [Cookery]
Culinary Terms: Food Dictionary and Glossary of Cooking Terms [Culinary Arts at About.com]

Heading to the Market? Read These Healthy Grocery Shopping Tips!

You’re committed to a healthy eating plan, and your first stop is the local supermarket. Here are a few simple, smart tips to help steer you away from the sweets aisle and toward the fruit and vegetables.

  1. Make a list. It may seem obvious, but making a list and sticking to it can work wonders when you actually come face-to-face with your favorite brand of cookies. Include things like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and head for the checkout once every item is checked off.
  2. Check the nutrition labels. Even if something is labeled “low-fat” or “all natural,” you should still check the nutrition labels on pre-packaged food items to make sure that there aren’t any unwelcome or unnatural surprises.
  3. Purchase at least half whole grains. Replacing only half of your bread or cereal intake with whole grain alternatives can make a big difference in your health. Make sure that these products say “100% whole grain” on the label.
  4. Choose healthier dairy products. Switch out your usual full fat milk, yogurt, and cheese with non-fat or low-fat options.
  5. Shop for lean meats. Instead of purchasing hamburgers or sausages, go for lean meats like turkey, fresh fish, and skinless chicken breast.
  6. Snack smarter. If you love to have snacks on hand, grab a bag of unsalted nuts or some dried fruit for a quick boost.

Try These Tips for Heart-Healthy Grocery Shopping [American Heart Association]
27 Foods to Ban From Your Shopping Cart [Reader’s Digest]
Build a Healthy Diet with Smart Shopping [Nutrition.gov]
Healthy Grocery Shopping [Medline Plus]

Why We Crave Junk Food—and How to Outsmart That Craving!

It happens to even the most disciplined of dieter: You're going about your day, when, all of sudden, you develop an intense craving for a sweet or salty snack. If this sounds like you, you're not alone! In fact, junk food is created with the intention of inciting a snack attack! The makers of your favorite potato chip or chocolate bar spend countless hours developing their product to impart just the right amount of crunch, sweetness, and creaminess to ensure you come back for more. What's more, giving in to your favorite junk food releases feel-good receptors in the brain, causing an immediate boost in mood.

Now that you're aware that there's a science to junk food, you're likely still wondering how you can combat cravings. To outsmart a craving, you need to first identify the craving and the reason behind it. Are you stressed at work? Instead of reaching for the comfort foods Mom used to make, call a friend to talk about your situation. Are you dieting and being too restrictive with your meal plan? Instead of cutting out pizza or chocolate forever, allow yourself to indulge in a piece of chocolate or pizza every so often. Moderation is key.

The most effective way to stop over-indulging is to limit your access to junk food. Keep your cabinets clear of cookies, candies, and chips, and after abstaining for a certain amount of time, you'll likely find that you no longer crave junk food as much as you used to!

The Facts About Food Cravings [WebMD]
Why Your Brain Craves Junk Food (and What You Can Do About It) [Lifehacker]
Know Why You're Craving Food [Women's Health]

Refuel and Replenish by Eating These Foods After a Workout

The foods that you eat before your workout help to increase your energy level, but it’s the food that you eat afterward that’s really important. What you eat after exercising helps to repair muscle tissue and to replenish glycogen, which is an important aspect of building the lean, toned body that you strive for. Here are some of the best foods to refuel with after a workout.

  1. Bananas. Bananas are high-glycemic carbohydrates, which provide you with an instant boost to replenish your energy quickly. Try slicing one up and eating it with peanut butter on top of a rice cake.
  2. Greek yogurt with berries. Greek yogurt is packed with protein, which is very important in building muscle. Your muscles are depleted of their usual amino acids after lifting weights or performing an intense cardio workout, and this healthy snack helps to build them back up.
  3. Tuna sandwich. The combination of healthy carbs and proteins is one of the very best things to eat after working out. Spread some tuna on whole wheat bread to refuel after that gym class.
  4. Water. Replenishing your body’s fluids is just as important as replenishing its food supply. Be sure to drink plenty of water after working out to avoid becoming dehydrated.

6 Smart Snacks to Eat After Your Workout [Fitness Magazine]
What to Eat After You Work Out [Spark People]
Food as Fuel – Before, During and After Workouts [American Heart Association]

Cooking Without Eggs? Bookmark These Webpages!

Eggs are a staple in just about every recipe, but many people can’t consume eggs due to food allergies or a vegan diet. If you want to cook the delicious foods that you love without eggs, these websites offer simple tips and clever substitutions that can help.

Chef In You
The Chef In You Egg Substitutions page features just about everything you need to maintain an egg-free kitchen. A detailed chart describes things that you can substitute for eggs in a variety of dishes, including products like tofu, bananas, and commercial egg substitutes. There are even recipes that show you how to make desserts, breakfasts, and entrees without using eggs.

Kids With Food Allergies
Whether you have a child with a food allergy or not, this informative website will show you how to cook without eggs. The detailed articles describe alternatives for using eggs as a binder, a leavening agent, or a glaze, and there’s even a list that tells you some uncommon foods to avoid if you have an egg allergy. If you want to make an egg-free dish at home, Kids With Food Allergies also provides a few free recipes for baked goods without eggs.

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