It happens to even the most disciplined of dieter: You're going about your day, when, all of sudden, you develop an intense craving for a sweet or salty snack. If this sounds like you, you're not alone! In fact, junk food is created with the intention of inciting a snack attack! The makers of your favorite potato chip or chocolate bar spend countless hours developing their product to impart just the right amount of crunch, sweetness, and creaminess to ensure you come back for more. What's more, giving in to your favorite junk food releases feel-good receptors in the brain, causing an immediate boost in mood.
Now that you're aware that there's a science to junk food, you're likely still wondering how you can combat cravings. To outsmart a craving, you need to first identify the craving and the reason behind it. Are you stressed at work? Instead of reaching for the comfort foods Mom used to make, call a friend to talk about your situation. Are you dieting and being too restrictive with your meal plan? Instead of cutting out pizza or chocolate forever, allow yourself to indulge in a piece of chocolate or pizza every so often. Moderation is key.
The most effective way to stop over-indulging is to limit your access to junk food. Keep your cabinets clear of cookies, candies, and chips, and after abstaining for a certain amount of time, you'll likely find that you no longer crave junk food as much as you used to!
The Facts About Food Cravings [WebMD]
Why Your Brain Craves Junk Food (and What You Can Do About It) [Lifehacker]
Know Why You're Craving Food [Women's Health]