Get Fit Without the Gym With These Easy Micro Exercises You Can Do All Day

If the idea of spending hours at the gym makes you dread exercise, you may be looking for a more enjoyable alternative. Instead of lengthy workouts, these quick micro exercises will help you to tone up and trim down without setting foot in a gym — in fact, you can do them even while you're doing other tasks!

  • Crunchless crunches. Strengthen your abs while sitting at your desk or walking around the grocery store. Simply tighten your abdominal muscles by sucking in your stomach slightly. Hold this move for 3 to 5 seconds, and then release and repeat for as many reps as you like.
  • Break for squats. While cleaning your house or even working in your cubicle, take periodic breaks for squats. Do 5 or 10 squats at a time until you complete a set of 100.
  • Relax into a wall sit. While reading documents at work or watching your favorite TV show at home, do a wall sit instead of sitting in a chair. Use your core muscles to keep you steady, and even work in some tiny pulses in your legs to tone your glutes.
  • Stop, drop and push up. When you're doing a somewhat active chore, such as walking the dog or doing the dishes, stop every few minutes to do a round of push-ups.

Mile Posts: 5 Easy Exercises You Can Do All Day [Women's Running]
Deskercise! 33 Smart Ways to Exercise at Work [Greatist]
5 Crazy Simple Ways to Fit in More Exercise [Women's Health]

4 Foods to Avoid Before Bedtime

If you’re the type of person who loves a good midnight snack, you may be wreaking havoc on your quality of sleep without even realizing it. While some foods are okay to eat right before bed, others will make it much more difficult to drift off into a dream state. Here are a few foods to avoid before hitting the hay!

  1. Potato chips. Foods that are filled with grease and fat, such as potato chips or French fries, take quite a bit more effort to digest. With your stomach working overtime, it is much more difficult to fall asleep.
  2. Ice cream. Think twice before having that bowl of ice cream while watching late night TV. Fatty foods like this are also more difficult to digest, which could lead to you lying awake with cramps and discomfort.
  3. Candy. Sugar-packed candies will cause your blood sugar levels to spike, leaving you feeling too restless for rest.
  4. Red meat. If you grab a fast food burger on your drive home after a late night, you may not be able to fall asleep once you actually crawl into bed. Red meats like this sit in your stomach much longer than other types of foods, and your body uses a lot more effort to digest them.

9 Things Your Should Never Eat or Drink After 9PM []
The 5 Worst Types of Foods to Eat Late at Night [Prevention]
The 10 Best and Worst Foods to Eat for Sleep [Fitness]
10 Foods to Avoid Before Bed [Fox News Health]

Spring Into Shape With These Outdoor Exercise Tips

The dreary winter cold can leave you in a bit of an exercise rut, but the springtime sun makes everyone more motivated to get outdoors and get in shape. These exercise tips will help you get in your best shape ever—all while experiencing the great outdoors.

Buddy up.
There are a number of different reasons why working out with another person is helpful, but the number one reason is because it’s more fun! You’ll look forward to working out much more if you have a friend by your side, and being outdoors will be that much more motivation.

Improve your gear.
It’s beneficial to have the proper shoes and workout attire, especially when you’re exercising outdoors. Warm thermal shirts are important for the days when it’s not quite springtime weather, and breezy, breathable fabrics help once the temperature reaches its full potential. Having the proper outdoor running shoes can also prevent injuries and make you feel more comfortable on the pavement.

Experiment with exercises you haven’t tried before.
You probably haven’t jumped rope since gym class, but this fun and simple outdoor activity burns up to 208 calories in just 20 minutes. Swimming is another fun outdoor activity, and starting slow with a few leisurely laps makes it much less intimidating.

Spring Training Fitness Tips [Shape]
Great Spring Exercise Ideas []

Turn Your Home at BLVD l Loudoun Station Into a Workout Studio With These Simple Tips

Want to break a sweat without hitting up the gym? These simple workout ideas will show you how to create a space for exercise in your own apartment at BLVD l Loudoun Station.

  1. Do yoga. With so many online yoga classes and free tutorials, you can get in a complete yoga class right at home. Clear away clutter and extra furniture, dim the lights, and even light a few candles to create that yoga studio atmosphere (even if you’re just in your living room).
  2. Sweat it out with cardio. Start by clearing the furniture out from the center of your living space, and then pop in an instructional workout DVD. If you’re worried about the sound disturbing your neighbors downstairs, do your workout on a thick area rug or a non-slip exercise mat.
  3. Do some strength training. Invest in small-scale strength training equipment to build muscle even without pumping iron. Things like exercise bands, hand weights, and kettlebells are perfect for toning your biceps even in your apartment.
  4. Create a circuit. Many trainers agree that circuit training is one of the most effective types of exercise. Create your own at-home circuit by working with your apartment’s furniture, including step-ups onto a chair, crunches with your feet under the sofa, and sprints up and down stairs.

How to Build a Home Gym Anywhere [Men's Fitness]
Fitness Pros Weigh In: Essentials of a "No Frills" Home Gym [Apartment Therapy]
10 Small-Space Home Gym Hacks for Your Tiny Apartment [Brit + Co]

Weight Loss Tips for New Dieters

You’ve never had to watch your weight before, but it seems like all of those years of eating whatever you want are suddenly catching up with you. If you’re about to embark on your first diet, use these simple tips to stay on track and maximize results.

  1. Think about it in the long-term. Instead of thinking of your diet as something that will eventually end, consider it a lifestyle change. That way, you’ll be able to maintain your results and even indulge in the occasional treat.
  2. Aim for realistic goals. Instead of starting an extreme diet to lose a very large amount of weight each week, set realistic goals that you can safely and healthily meet. For example, aiming to lose 2 pounds per week is a healthy and attainable weight loss goal that will still yield major results.
  3. Skip the fad diets. Instead of falling for a fad diet that cuts out a major food group or involves complicated meal plans, opt for a healthy diet that includes whole foods and balanced meals.
  4. Keep it simple. Fill your diet with fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and the occasional healthy whole grains and you’ll have no problem shedding those extra pounds.

Healthy Weight Loss and Dieting Tips []
The 25 Best Diet Tricks of All Time [Health]
Jillian Michaels: Weight-Loss Tips That Work [Health]

Watching Your Weight? Don’t Make These Dieting Mistakes!

You might think that you’re on a fairly healthy diet that will eventually lead to your goal weight, but some of your eating habits might actually do more harm than good when it comes to weight loss. Check out these common dieting mistakes to make sure that they’re not a part of your daily routine

  • Eating too fast. By rushing through every meal, you don’t give your body enough time to actually feel full. If you eat slower, you’re more likely to stop eating when you’ve actually had enough.
  • Forgoing meals. Instead of making you lose weight faster, skipping meals actually leads to consuming more calories later in the day. Even if you’re not feeling hungry at meal time, try eating a small snack to keep your appetite regulated.
  • Consuming liquid calories. Many dieters don’t realize just how many calories there are in many common beverages. Drinks like wine, beer, coffee, and even juices can add hundreds of unnecessary calories throughout the day.
  • Eating too-large portions. It’s always smart to measure the portion size of your food before eating it, as it is very difficult to judge the amount of calories simply by looking at a food. You can do this by using a food scale or carrying plastic containers in the recommended sizes.

Diet Mistakes: 6 Reasons You're Not Losing Weight [WebMD]
14 Diet Foods To Avoid [Prevention]
13 Healthy Foods to Avoid For Weight Loss! [Active Beat]
Jillian Michaels: Weight-Loss Tips That Work [Health]

3 Health Benefits of Strength Training Exercises

Even if you don’t plan on bulking up or competing in weight lifting competitions any time soon, strength training is a crucial part of any exercise regimen. Here are three great reasons to incorporate weight training into your workouts.

  1. It promotes strong bones. Weakening bones is a concern that all people have to face as they age. The stress that strength training puts on your bones increases their density and prevents osteoporosis, keeping you strong and healthy as years pass.
  2. It helps to control your weight. While you might relate weight loss with intense cardiovascular workouts, strength training is just as important if you want to lose weight. Gaining muscle increases your metabolism and causes your body to burn calories more efficiently.
  3. It gives you more energy. Like all workouts, strength training increases your stamina and helps you to stay alert and focused. After a few weeks of regular weight lifting or body weight exercises, you’ll notice that you feel more energized throughout the day. Some scientific studies even show that years of regular strength training exercises help to sharpen your focus and keep your mind attentive as you age.

Strength training: Get stronger, leaner, healthier [Mayo Clinic]
7 Reasons to Add Strength Training to Your Workout Routine [Everyday Health]
Benefits of Strength Training [Body Building]

How to Exercise Outdoors Safely During the Summer

While running outdoors in the summer can be more enjoyable than in the winter, it comes with its own set of adjustments and safety hazards. Whether you already have a set running schedule or you’re looking to begin a morning jogging routine this summer, here are a few things that you should know to help beat the heat.

  1. Choose the right time of day. Instead of running during your lunch break when the sun is at its hottest, opt instead for an early morning or late afternoon jog. As a general rule, avoid running during the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
  2. Wear sunscreen. You might not think about it like you would, say, at the beach, but you’re at just as much risk for sunburn while running. Be sure to wear something around SPF 45.
  3. Stay hydrated from the get-go. Most runners recommend drinking a full glass of water before you even set out on your run to avoid dehydration. While running, stop for a drink every 15 minutes (even if you’re not thirsty).
  4. Pay attention to your body. If you feel dizzy, lightheaded, or nauseated while running, slow to a walk (or stop running altogether) and seek out a shaded spot to rest.

8 Tips for Exercising in Summer Heat []
20 Ways To Have a Rockin' Outdoor Workout []
Summer Safety: 8 Outdoor Fitness Training Tips To Help You Keep Cool [Medical Daily]

Refuel and Replenish by Eating These Foods After a Workout

The foods that you eat before your workout help to increase your energy level, but it’s the food that you eat afterward that’s really important. What you eat after exercising helps to repair muscle tissue and to replenish glycogen, which is an important aspect of building the lean, toned body that you strive for. Here are some of the best foods to refuel with after a workout.

  1. Bananas. Bananas are high-glycemic carbohydrates, which provide you with an instant boost to replenish your energy quickly. Try slicing one up and eating it with peanut butter on top of a rice cake.
  2. Greek yogurt with berries. Greek yogurt is packed with protein, which is very important in building muscle. Your muscles are depleted of their usual amino acids after lifting weights or performing an intense cardio workout, and this healthy snack helps to build them back up.
  3. Tuna sandwich. The combination of healthy carbs and proteins is one of the very best things to eat after working out. Spread some tuna on whole wheat bread to refuel after that gym class.
  4. Water. Replenishing your body’s fluids is just as important as replenishing its food supply. Be sure to drink plenty of water after working out to avoid becoming dehydrated.

6 Smart Snacks to Eat After Your Workout [Fitness Magazine]
What to Eat After You Work Out [Spark People]
Food as Fuel – Before, During and After Workouts [American Heart Association]

3 Websites for Avid Rowers

If you’re an avid rower, you know just how challenging and how rewarding the sport can be. Few sports build teamwork as much as rowing does, and communities of rowers are some of the most tightly-knit of all athletes. Now you can even find rowing communities online! Here's where to start:
The website for the U.S. Rowing organization offers a number of truly impressive benefits for rowers of all ages and skill levels. The organization is open for both individual and team memberships, and members receive things like entry into high profile races, medical coverage, and more. If you’re not a member, you can still access the website’s event calendar, race recaps, and safety tips for free on the site.

World Rowing
If you’re interested in keeping up with competitive rowing worldwide, World Rowing is the place to look. This attractive website features athlete bios and the latest news from rowing competitions, from university level to continental teams. Training tips can help you improve your own personal times.

Rowing Magazine
Whether you already read the magazine or not, the Rowing magazine website is a great resource to keep up with the latest news from the sport’s main publication. Check out a free digital issue to read this month’s fascinating stories, or even subscribe to the print version right on the site.

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