Creative Uses for Paper Towel and Toilet Paper Tubes

Instead of throwing away those empty paper towel tubes and toilet paper rolls, you might want to keep them around. There are a number of fun projects that you can create using these cardboard tubes, and best of all, they even help to keep them out of the landfill!

  • Cut a toilet paper roll in half and use it to plant seedlings. Simply fill the roll with soil, cover one end with plastic wrap, and plant your seedlings. When it’s time to transplant, you can bury the whole thing.
  • If you’re an avid crafter, use a toilet paper roll to store tangled string by cutting a notch into one end of the roll, slipping the string through and winding it up inside. Cut another notch into the other end to keep the whole thing in place.
  • Prevent creases in your pants from the clothes hanger by cutting a paper towel tube in half lengthwise and sliding it over the length of the hanger. The next time you hang your pants, the tube will help minimize creasing.
  • Make cute (and cheap) napkin rings for your next get-together by cutting a toilet paper roll into smaller rings and covering them with leftover fabric scraps.

18 Incredible Uses for Cardboard Tubes [Reader’s Digest]
10 Unconventional Ways to Use Old Paper Towel and Toilet Paper Rolls Around the House [One Green Planet]
15 Surprising Uses for Toilet Paper Tubes [Care2]

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