Check Out These Fun Facts About Flax Seeds

August 26, 2014 | sack

Flax seeds have been buzzed about quite a bit lately among healthy eating communities, but most people don’t know much about these tiny superfoods. Here are a few interesting facts about flax seeds—and why you should add them to your diet.

  1. Flax seeds are full of beneficial nutrients. They're positively loaded with a laundry list of good-for-you nutrients, including healthy fats, fiber, protein, and omega 3s. They’re also full of vitamins, magnesium, potassium, and lignans, which can help to prevent against cancer.
  2. You may notice that your grocery store carries both golden and brown flax seeds, but both contain the same nutritional benefits. Which type you choose depends on your own taste preferences.
  3. Like many other foods in Mediterranean diets, flax seeds help to prevent against many chronic diseases. They reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by up to 70 percent, as well as the risk of hormone-dependent cancers of the colon, breast, and prostate.
  4. There are many ways to eat flax seeds. Whether you add ground flax seeds to your baked goods, sprinkle them on your salads or use them to top your yogurts, you can incorporate them into your diet without much effort.

Frequently Asked About Flax [Ameriflax]
What's New and Beneficial About Flaxseeds [The World’s Healthiest Foods]
Flaxseeds [Vegetarian Times]
Cooking with Flax [Flax Council of Canada]

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