New to Yoga? Check Out These Beginners’ Tips!

Yoga is a great way to center your mind, but if it’s your first time practicing it can also be a bit intimidating. If you’re unsure of what to wear to class or what to expect from your instructor, read these helpful tips before heading to the studio.

  1. Wear comfortable, close-fitting clothing. Instead of wearing loose shorts or pants like you normally would while exercising, you’ll feel more comfortable in something that fits closer to the body. Also, be sure to tie long hair back and remove your shoes before entering the studio.( See if your studio's website provides tips about what to wear to your first class.)
  2. Bring the proper supplies. You’ll need to stay hydrated throughout your class (even more so if it’s a hot yoga class), so be sure to bring a large water bottle. If you don’t own your own yoga mat, you can likely rent one at the studio for a small fee.
  3. Prepare your body. Most yoga experts recommend not eating large meals for up to three hours before class. To avoid low blood sugar, have a small snack right before class.
  4. Research. If you’re feeling nervous about your practice, look up basic poses like downward facing dog, child’s pose, and the sequence of warrior poses.
  5. Have the right attitude. Your instructor may adjust you during class, but it doesn’t mean that you’re doing a bad job. Stay positive, stay focused, and stay open to advice!

4 Essential Yoga Tips for Beginners []
7 Common Beginner Yoga Fails (And How to Avoid Them) [Women’s Health]
12 Yoga Tips for Beginners [Care2]

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