3 Ways to Make a Great First Impression

The old adage is true: You only have one chance to make a good first impression. Because the saying rings true in both social and professional situations, it's helpful to remember a few key pieces of advice when meeting new people. Here are three handy tips:

1) Dress to impress.
Wear clothing that's appropriate for the occasion. Doing so will help bolster your confidence, which will, in turn, be relayed to the other party. If you're headed for a job interview, accessorize minimally, and be sure that your hair and nails appear well-groomed.

2) Be aware of your body language.
Whether you're at a cocktail party or interviewing for a job, crossed arms tell the other people in the room that you're unavailable for conversation. Similarly, excessive fidgeting, slouching, and avoiding eye contact signal that you're anxious and lacking confidence. Sit up tall (just like Mom used to advise!) and smile warmly when warranted by conversation.

3) Don't talk too much.
This might seem counterintuitive when meeting new people, but steamrolling conversation can make you seem self-absorbed. If you find that you tend to ramble when nervous, remind yourself to ask plenty of questions about the other person. This will show that you're truly interested in getting to know them. Offer information about yourself when asked.

5 Ways To Make a Killer First Impression [Forbes]
How to Make a Good First Impression [Real Simple]
Making a Great First Impression [Mind Tools]
It Takes Just 3 Seconds To Make A Brilliant First Impression [Business Insider]

6 Easy Ways to Deal With Difficult Coworkers

When you’re around the same people for eight hours every day, sometimes personalities can clash. Getting along with difficult coworkers may seem impossible, but these reliable tips will help you work together in harmony.

1. Choose your words wisely. By removing direct pronouns like “you” from your discussions, your coworker will feel less accused or targeted. Make your directions and criticisms about the project, not the person.
2. Talk face-to-face whenever possible. It’s easy to sound brash in an email, and speaking on the phone or in person can eliminate that worry (and your coworker’s resulting anger).
3. Minimize contact. If you frequently chat with a whiny or sullen coworker simply to be polite, start keeping things short and sweet. A simple "good morning" works in place of your usual "how are you," which often leads to unwanted conversation.
4. Be tactful about complaints. If you have to bring a problem to your boss, plan what you’ll say beforehand to avoid sounding angry or accusatory.
5. Avoid gossip. Respond with uninviting phrases like "Oh really?" when you’re faced with office gossip. If you act disinterested, gossip will likely start to pass you by in the future.
6. Just breathe. Take a deep breath when you feel yourself start to get angry and you may avoid a nasty altercation.

Tips on Managing Difficult People [Harvard Business Review]
20 Ways to Deal with Difficult Coworkers [iVillage]
Ten Tips for Dealing with Difficult Coworkers [All Business]
How to Deal with Difficult Coworkers [Forbes]

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