Learn About the National Natural Landmarks Program

Developed by the National Park Service, the National Natural Landmarks Program aims to conserve sites that contain particularly outstanding biological and geological resources, both public and private. They are selected for their condition, rarity, value to science and education, and a number of other factors. Here are some facts about the program:

1) There are more than 600 landmarks in the National Natural Landmarks Program.
The landmarks span from the continental United States to the American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

2) The National Parks Service runs the program.
It's the service’s job to protect these designated areas and act as an advocate to raise awareness about U.S. natural heritage. They partner with both public and private landowners to solve problems with these sites and attempt to conserve them.

3) The National Natural Landmarks Program offers a number of initiatives each year.
The NNL’s biennial report provides an overview of the program’s efforts for the previous two years as well as information about project successes and new landmarks. Their annual photo contest showcases photos of the landmarks in a wall calendar, and the Natural Landmarks Directory offers a map of the locations of each landmark.

National Natural Landmarks Program [National Park Service]

Imponderable of the Day: Why Do Doughnuts Have Holes?

If you’re like most people, your thought process surrounding doughnuts likely only focuses on where the best place is to get them and which flavors to choose once you get there! If you take a break from enjoying your sugary sweet pastry for a moment and actually think about the mechanics of a doughnut, you may begin to wonder how it got its unusual shape. Where did the signature hole in the doughnut come from?

Doughnuts are very dense, chewy pastries, so the main reason for their middle hole is to ensure that they cook all the way through. No one knows for sure which smart baker first came up with this ingenious idea, but fried doughnuts have been around in some form—with or without the hole—for hundreds of years. There is a longstanding myth that a 1930s sea captain named Hanson Gregory first invented the holed doughnut, but because the only proof is Gregory’s story itself, there’s really no way of knowing if this tale is true!

Why Do Doughnuts Have Holes? [Cakespy]
Why Do Doughnuts Have Holes? [Today I Found Out]
Why Do Donuts Have Holes In The Middle? [Knows Why]

Facial Care 101: How to Wash Your Face

You've done it countless times, but did you know there's actually a right and wrong way to wash your face? In fact, there's much more to it than just wash, rinse, dry, repeat. See if you're doing the job correctly by reading these four steps toward a perfectly cleansed face.

1) Wash your hands.
Whatever germs, dirt, and oil is on your hands will be transferred to your face, so be sure to lather up first.

2) Use tepid water.
Water that's too hot will drain your skin of natural protective oils, so turn down the temperature.

3) Wash gently.
Using a nickel-sized amount of cleanser, massage your skin with your fingertips for 30 seconds to a minute. Use circular motions, and be extra gentle around the delicate eye area. Don't neglect your hairline and neck. Rinse with a few splashes of cooler water to close the pores.

4) Pat dry.
Use a clean towel to gently pat your face dry. Apply moisturizer while you skin is still slightly damp; this will help seal in moisture.

How to Wash Your Face [Howstuffworks]
How to Wash Your Face Properly [Popsugar]

How to Make a New Year’s Resolution—and Stick With It

Whether you resolve to hit the gym every day or to finally take that trip to Europe, most of us make some type of resolution for the New Year. Sticking with a New Year’s resolution for the other 364 days can be much more difficult, however, and it can take a great deal of dedication to make your goals happen. Here are a few simple ways to choose a resolution and stick with it.

  1. Stay realistic. Although the whole point of a resolution is to become better than you are today, you don’t want to pick something that’s completely out of reach. Instead of vowing to become President, for example, enroll in classes to work toward a law degree.
  2. Make a specific goal. Likewise, resolutions that are too vague will also set you up for failure. Choose something that you can monitor, like losing a certain amount of weight or visit a specific number of countries.
  3. Set aside time in your schedule. Once you finally decide on a resolution, the best way to stick with it is by setting aside a certain amount of time each day, week, or month just for that activity.
  4. Make a grand proclamation. If all else fails, call on your friends to keep you accountable. By posting your resolution online or telling a trusted confidant, you’ll feel more obligated to stick with it.

5 New Year's Resolutions You Won't Keep – And 5 You Will [Forbes]
Just 8% of People Achieve Their New Year's Resolutions. Here's How They Do It. [Forbes]
10 Tricks to Help You Actually Keep Your New Year's Resolutions [Huffington Post]
9 Ways to Keep your New Year's Resolutions [Bankrate]

Why We Crave Junk Food—and How to Outsmart That Craving!

It happens to even the most disciplined of dieter: You're going about your day, when, all of sudden, you develop an intense craving for a sweet or salty snack. If this sounds like you, you're not alone! In fact, junk food is created with the intention of inciting a snack attack! The makers of your favorite potato chip or chocolate bar spend countless hours developing their product to impart just the right amount of crunch, sweetness, and creaminess to ensure you come back for more. What's more, giving in to your favorite junk food releases feel-good receptors in the brain, causing an immediate boost in mood.

Now that you're aware that there's a science to junk food, you're likely still wondering how you can combat cravings. To outsmart a craving, you need to first identify the craving and the reason behind it. Are you stressed at work? Instead of reaching for the comfort foods Mom used to make, call a friend to talk about your situation. Are you dieting and being too restrictive with your meal plan? Instead of cutting out pizza or chocolate forever, allow yourself to indulge in a piece of chocolate or pizza every so often. Moderation is key.

The most effective way to stop over-indulging is to limit your access to junk food. Keep your cabinets clear of cookies, candies, and chips, and after abstaining for a certain amount of time, you'll likely find that you no longer crave junk food as much as you used to!

The Facts About Food Cravings [WebMD]
Why Your Brain Craves Junk Food (and What You Can Do About It) [Lifehacker]
Know Why You're Craving Food [Women's Health]

Easy Thanksgiving Decor Crafts the Whole Family Can Make

Between prepping your home for out-of-town guests and ensuring the turkey is properly basted, you're likely going to be stressed a little thin on Thanksgiving Day! Luckily, these Turkey Day crafts can help keep your little ones entertained, requiring just a little assistance from you along the way.

Mod Mayflower [Parenting]
Task the kids with making these adorable masted ships out of paper. White construction paper is affixed to popsicle sticks to create the ships' sails, while a paper beverage sleeve helps the mini Mayflowers to stay upright. Use the ships to add flair to your Thanksgiving Day decor, or write each guest's name onto the sails and use the ships as place cards.

Turkey Headband Craft for Kids [abccreativelearning.com]
Create a custom turkey headband for your favorite little pilgrims with this quick and easy craft. Simply cut a length of brown construction paper to wrap around your child's head, then instruct your pint-sized dinner guests to trace their hand shape onto multiple colors of construction paper. The hand shapes will become the turkey's "feathers," while a googly-eyed turkey face decorates the front of the funky, seasonal accessory.

Calling All Bibliophiles: These Pinterest Boards Are for You!

Pinterest is a great way to organize your favorite recipes or browse for home decor ideas, so why not use it to pay homage to your favorite books as well? If you’re an avid bibliophile who hates wandering aimlessly around the bookstore feeling overwhelmed by the endless selection of books, these boards will help you to bookmark ideas for new reading material and connect with other readers.

Book Lovers
Whether you’re looking for the best new releases or you simply want to share your love of reading with other pinners, this board is packed full of literary quotes, book recommendations, and peeks inside of some of the most impressive books stores in the world.

Reading Quotes
If all you’re searching for is a bit of inspiration on a tough day, this board pulls quotes directly from your favorite books to offer some words of wisdom straight from the authors’ mouths. From Annie Dillard and Theodore Roosevelt to C.S. Lewis, the Reading Quotes board has quotes for everyone.

There are few places more relaxing for an avid reader than a beautiful library, and this board offers a virtual tour of some of the most impressive libraries in the world.

Three of Philly’s Must-Try Restaurants

Philadelphia is home to a rich and varied food scene, including options ranging from small plates to hearty steaks. If you're looking for a new place to dine in the city, here are a few options worth trying:

Barbuzzo offers Mediterranean dining with an updated twist. Start your meal with a selection from the snacks and spreads menu. Mediterranean olives with orange zest and almonds make for a great introduction to your meal, as does the sheep's milk ricotta with extra virgin olive oil and sea salt. For your entree, consider one of Barbuzzo's specialty pizzas, piled high with gourmet ingredients. Barbuzzo also offers a special late night menu with drink specials and $10 entrees from 10:30 pm until midnight.
110 S. 13th St. Philadelphia, Pa.; (215) 546-9300

Raw Sushi & Sake Lounge
A dim, intimate atmosphere welcomes you to Raw Sushi & Sake Lounge. Start your meal with one of the eatery's unique takes on classic Japanese fare, such as a spicy sashimi salad with crab meat and daikon or a delicious beef negimaki. Regulars praise Raw's White Tiger roll, filled with mutsu (super white tuna), tobiko, cream sauce, and hot sauce. Reservations are recommended.
1225 Sansom St. Philadelphia, Pa.; (215) 238-1903

Charlie was a sinner.
One of Philadelphia's newest and hottest bars, Charlie was a sinner. does everything different. From its uniquely punctuated name to its vegan fare, this bar is a unique take on nightlife. The food menu includes many vegetarian options, and features options like charred Caesar salad, chickpea fries, or the wild mushroom and barley toast.
131 S. 13th St. Philadelphia, Pa.; (267) 758-5372

4 Must-Read Tips for Becoming a Better Public Speaker

Public speaking is a dreaded task that many people hate, and if you’re faced with speaking in public at work or at school, it can put a great deal of stress on your shoulders. These four smart tips will help you to shake your fear of public speaking—and maybe even become quite skilled at it in the process.

  1. Start from the ending. Though this may seem counterproductive, it’s very important to keep your end goal in mind before speaking in public. How do you want your audience to feel when your speech is over? What is your main idea? Once you decide on these things, it will be much easier to stay focused during your presentation.
  2. Simplify. Don’t use big words or elaborate phrases in your speech in an attempt to sound smarter; it will only make you sound flustered and, most likely, make you more nervous. Deliver concise, clear thoughts using basic language.
  3. Tone down your visuals. If you use PowerPoint or another visual aid in your presentation, keep it minimal. You don’t want to rely on reading off of your slides, and neither does your audience.
  4. Practice, practice, practice. The only real way to prepare for public speaking is to get a bit of experience under your belt. Don’t just read your speech in front of the mirror, give a mock presentation to friends, family or close coworkers. This will help you to shake the nerves once the real thing comes around.

Want to Be a Better Public Speaker? Do What the Pros Do. [Forbes]
Seven Principles of Effective Public Speaking [AMA]
5 Ways to Become a Better Public Speaker [The VAR Guy]
10 Tips to Be a Better Public Speaker [CBS News]

Philadelphia’s Most Popular Vegetarian Restaurants

In a city whose most famous food is the cheese steak, it may seem difficult to maintain a meat-free lifestyle. Don’t fret, vegetarians, because Philadelphia is home to many more vegetarian restaurants than you may realize. Here are a few favorite spots for veggie lovers.

1) Vedge
This award-winning gourmet vegan restaurant is owned and operated by two renowned vegetarian chefs. The menu includes all-vegetable dishes inspired by cuisines from around the world, though all of the ingredients are locally sourced. Vedge’s handcrafted cocktails and an impressive wine selection also make the perfect additions to any dish.
1221 Locust St. Philadelphia, Pa. 19107; (215) 320-7500

2) HipCityVeg
For a more casual vegetarian lunch or dinner spot, HipCityVeg offers fresh, fast food made without any animal products. Each dish is 100% plant based, and everything from the food containers to the restaurant’s furnishings are recycled and made from energy-efficient materials. Flavorful salads, hearty veggie burgers, and sandwiches stacked high with toppings are all part of HipCityVeg’s tasty menu. Don't miss the eatery's signature Groothie!
127 S. 18th St. Philadelphia, Pa. 19103; (215) 278-7605

3) P.S. & Co.
With an industrial-style, light filled interior that’s just as appealing as its healthy menu, Locust Street’s P.S. & Co. is a must-try spot for Philly vegetarians and carnivores alike. The restaurant prides itself on being entirely organic, gluten-free, vegan, and kosher, but each dish is prepared in such a way that even non-vegetarians will love the taste. Breakfast includes yogurts and porridges, while lunch and dinner soups, salads, and wraps will fill you up and make you feel good about what you’re consuming.
1706 Locust St. Philadelphia, Pa 19103; (215) 985-1706

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