How to Decorate Your Apartment Using Affordable, Colorful Tapestries

Decorating your apartment may seem expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. By simply recycling those old tapestries that you loved so much in high school, you can create a chic, eclectic look for no money at all. Here are a few creative ways to decorate your apartment with tapestries.

  1. Create a headboard. If your simple bedframe doesn’t contain a headboard, create the illusion of one with a tapestry. Simply hang one behind your bed and keep the rest of your bedding simple to let the tapestry take center stage.
  2. Cut it into a smaller size. If your large, busy tapestry seems overwhelming, try cutting it into a smaller size to hang above a table or in an irregular wall space.
  3. Brighten up a bare wall. If you have a wall that you just don’t know what to do with, it may be the perfect place for a tapestry. Because these oversized wall hangings are too large for many spaces, they’re the perfect way to cover a whole wall in one simple step.
  4. Use them as curtains. Drape your tapestry over a simple curtain rod, or sew a loop at one end to make it function like traditional curtains.
  5. Make your own tablecloth. Cover a small dining table with your tapestry to create a colorful tablecloth.

Hanging Tapestries as Wall Art [Apartment Therapy]
Colorful Tapestries & Wall Hangings [Apartment Therapy]
How to Decorate With Tapestries [SF Gate]

How to Decorate Using the Principles of Feng Shui

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese belief that states that the way your home is organized will, in turn, influence everything else in your life. From your finances to your inner happiness, the aspects that feng shui influences are limitless. If you want to decorate your home in a way that better serves your feng shui, use these basic principles.

  • Keep things minimal. First and foremost, improve your home’s feng shui by getting rid of everything that you don’t need—including furniture, clothing and even kitchen supplies. This will leave you with more space for movement, creativity, and positive energy.
  • Maximize natural light. Take down heavy drapes and blinds and replace them with sheer curtains that allow in as much natural light as possible.
  • Add plants. Feng shui emphasizes the importance of having green plants to clean your home’s air and add a peaceful look to every room. Try options like jade plants and aloe plants that require little maintenance.
  • Leave entryways clear. Feng shui says that the doors allow positive energy to flow into your home, so be sure to leave yours clear.
  • Face the doors. Important pieces of furniture, such as your desk and your bed, should always face the door of the room without sitting directly in front of it.

Feng Shui 101 for Your Living Space [Wonder How To]
10 Easy Feng Shui Rules You Should Follow [Kris Carr]
Feng Shui Decorating Tips [Real Simple]

How to Take Your Couch From Furniture to Focal Point

Your couch is one of the most important pieces of furniture in your home. It provides a space to curl up and watch a movie, to catch up with a longtime friend, and even to share a meal during those weekend take-out nights. If you want to make your sofa more of a focal point, these smart tips will show you how.

  1. Update your throw pillows. The easiest way to take your sofa from basic to stylish is by adding fun, vibrant throw pillows. Choose a few in complimentary colors, mix and match patterns or even go with a geometric, black and white scheme for a hip, retro, look.
  2. Add a blanket. Take a tip from the pros and casually drape a throw across the ottoman or folded on the back of the sofa. Choose something that pairs well with the rest of the room’s color scheme, or go with a classic knit throw for a cozy feel.
  3. Switch up your rug. Choose a vibrant area rug that extends a few inches wider than your sofa, and make sure that it’s large enough to tuck under the sofa’s front legs.
  4. Add a gallery wall. Finally, create a designer-worthy gallery wall directly behind your sofa by framing your favorite family photos, wallpaper swatches, and art prints.

Before & After: How to Style Your Sofa [Elle Décor]
Style a Sofa 5 Different Ways [HGTV]
How To: Style A Sofa [Glitter Guide]

How to Get Your Home at Reserve at Garden Oaks Ready for Houseguests

The next time you host guests in your home, prepare in advance by setting a game plan well ahead of time. These smart and stress-free tips will show you exactly how to get your home ready for houseguests, even if you don’t exactly have a separate guest wing to work with.

  1. Create a designated space. Everyone likes to have a feeling of privacy and a place to decompress, which you can easily create for your guests even if you don’t have a closed-off guestroom. Simply give them free run of a living room or den, or create your own guest quarters by investing in a room divider.
  2. Test out the bed. Since you don’t normally sleep in the guest bed (or air mattress, or sofa…), it’s always smart to test it out first to ensure its comfort. If it’s not up to snuff, add a foam mattress topper, more blankets, or other affordable improvements.
  3. Create an overnight kit. Stock a small caddy with shower supplies, water bottles, pain relievers, and snack bars, as well as anything else that your guests might ask for.
  4. Change the linens. Be sure to put clean, fresh-smelling sheets on the bed and provide enough clean towels for all of your guests.
  5. Feel out their schedules. Once they arrive, work around their schedules to prevent stepping on any toes.

Make Your Overnight Guests Feel at Home [Southern Living]
Hosting Overnight Guests [Life Your Way]
Real Life Advice: Hosting Guests Without a Guestroom [Apartment Therapy]
Getting Ready for Overnight Guests [Real Simple]

How to Get the Most Out Your Apartment’s Square Footage

Whether your apartment measures 200 square feet or 1,000 square feet, how large it feels depends on how it functions. Artfully arranging your furniture and incorporating smart storage solutions can make even the tiniest studio apartment feel like a luxury penthouse loft, and these space-savvy tips will show you just how to make the most of each square foot in your rental unit.

  1. Use light to your advantage. No matter how limited you are on space, having good lighting can make all the difference. Play up your apartment’s natural light sources by using sheer curtains or blinds in light colors that invite the maximum amount of sunlight inside.
  2. Arrange – and then rearrange. Instead of moving in and leaving your furniture right where you first placed it, don’t be afraid to rearrange multiple times until you find the situation that best suits your space.
  3. Make your furniture play double-duty. Adding furniture pieces that double as storage systems (such as using a chest as a coffee table or a kitchen table as a desk) is one of the best ways to maximize the space in your apartment.

Creative Decorating Ideas for Small Spaces [Real Simple]
Make the Most of Small Spaces [Real Simple]
Designer Tricks for Small Spaces [Coastal Living]

Handy Storage and Organization Tips for Renters

There are a number of smart and design-savvy ways to clear the clutter from your space and add storage, and it just takes a few clever tricks (and maybe a weekend) to get it together.

  1. Add under-bed storage. Whether you use store-bought shoe boxes or even wood palettes, adding storage underneath the bed is a great way to get shoes, clothes, and even books out of sight.
  2. Tackle the closet. Don't feel limited to the two or three clothing bars in your closet. Add your own temporary shelving, shoe racks, and other storage items from the local home goods store.
  3. Add additional bathroom storage. Create your own storage by hanging shelves or even investing in an affordable over-the-toilet storage system.
  4. Use double-duty living room furniture. Instead of letting clutter take over your living room, use furniture that doubles as storage. Try an antique chest as a coffee table or a sofa with hidden storage inside.
  5. Add a kitchen island. Adding a simple kitchen island is an affordable way to create more room for cooking.

7 Storage Ideas Worth Considering [PopSugar]
12 Big Ideas for Creating More Storage Space in Small Apartments [Rental Living]
8 Decorating Tips for Renters [Lowe’s]

Last-Minute Guests? Plan a Dinner Party in Under One Hour!

We've all been there: you get a phone call from an old friend saying that he or she is passing through town, and you're pressed to throw together some type of meal with just a few hours to spare. Before you start to panic (and maybe even suggest going out for pizza), use these smart and time-savvy tips for putting together a dinner party in just one hour.

  1. Clean up only the common areas. You won't be able to clean your whole house, but you can make the common areas look a bit tidier. Put away any stray items in the living room, dining room, or other hangout area, and give the bathroom a good wipe-down. As for the other rooms? Well, that's what closed doors are for!
  2. Think of a main course. Check out your current groceries to plan the focal point of the meal. Have a few frozen chicken breasts? Maybe some extra dried pasta? Keep things simple with these dinnertime basics — anything too elaborate will only add more stress.
  3. Use the quickest cooking method. Simple preparation is key: go for a classic spaghetti and marinara sauce or some grilled chicken with olive oil, salt and pepper.
  4. Create a smorgasbord of sides. When it comes to last-minute sides, go for a variety. Toss together a kitchen sink salad with whatever you have on hand, create a cheese plate of cheeses, crackers and spreads, or even set out chips and dips in attractive bowls.
  5. Add some ambiance. Light a few candles, fill a vase with branches to create a makeshift centerpiece and turn on some soft music to improve the mood. Voila! That's all it takes to throw together a dinner party on the fly.

Speed Through Household Chores With These Cleaning Shortcuts

The faster you get your cleaning done, the more time you’ll have to spend time with friends and family. The trick to quick cleaning is to have a system and to stick to it. Set a time limit for each room and you’ll be finished before you know it. Follow these tips for quick and efficient cleaning!

  • Keep up with daily cleaning tasks to help maintain your home's tidiness. By doing simple tasks every day, the cleaning will be much easier and not be so overwhelming.
  • Use a tote or bucket to keep all your cleaning supplies in. You can bring this from room to room and you won’t need to waste time searching for the supplies you need.
  • Use a vacuum to clean all of your floor surfaces. You should also use an extension cord for the vacuum to allow you to reach multiple areas without taking the time to keep plugging it in.
  • On your shower walls and door, use a squeegee after every use. This will prevent soap scum and water spots later on.
  • Focus on what you are cleaning and cut out anything that might distract you, e.g., your phone and the TV!

13 Tips to Help You Speed-Clean Your Home [Better Homes and Gardens]
Clean Your House in Less Than an Hour [Woman’s Day]
Speed Cleaning: Tips For Fast & Efficient Housekeeping [The Inspired Room]

Fun DIYs to Give New Life to Unwanted Household Items

Instead of tossing out those household items that seemingly have no use anymore, give them new life by repurposing them into something useful. This not only helps you to save a bit of cash, it also helps to reduce your waste production and show a little love to our environment. Here are a few fun DIYs for making over unwanted household items!

  1. Turn empty condiment bottles into squeeze bottles for dispensing pancake batter. Just make sure you thoroughly clean them out first—no one wants to eat ketchup-flavored pancakes!
  2. Turn an ornate vintage picture frame into a vanity tray. Simply add a pretty fabric instead of a photo, lie it flat, and fill it with perfume bottles, makeup, and more.
  3. Clean the fine “hairs” out of corn on the cob by using a dry toothbrush that you don’t use anymore.
  4. Hang an old rake upside down and use it as a rustic necklace holder.
  5. Portion toddler snacks perfectly by filling the cubes in an ice cube tray. They are the perfect size for berries, pretzels, cheese cubes, and chocolate candies.
  6. Purchase a vintage window shutter from a garage sale or thrift store and use it to display important memos, mail, and photographs. Simply clip wooden clothespins along the slats and even add S-shaped hooks for keys.

50 All-Time Favorite New Uses for Old Things [RealSimple]
6 New Uses for Old Things [Country Living]
25 New Ways to Use Your Old Stuff [HGTV]

Hosting a Party at Reserve at Garden Oaks? Check Out These Handy Portion Planning Guides!

One of the hardest parts about planning a party is deciding how much food to prepare. It’s every host’s fear to imagine running out of appetizers, but it’s just as frustrating when you’re left with way too many leftovers! Before your next gathering, check out these helpful tips for portion planning and avoid these entertaining mishaps.

  • Consider this: on average, a guest will drink between three and four drinks every four hours or so. You might also want to keep in mind that a standard bottle of wine equals four to six glasses, while a two-liter of soda equals about 10 glasses.
  • For appetizers, imagine that each person will eat approximately five per hour. If you’re serving only appetizers and hors d’oeuvres, add two or three to that number.
  • For your main course, choose things like meat and vegetables to make it easy to dole out portions. If you’re serving something like stir-fry or pasta, imagine that the average person will eat approximately a four-ounce serving.
  • Once you get to dessert, it’s safe to assume that each person will have only one piece — although it’s always smart to get a few extras just in case.

How to Estimate the Food You Need for Your Memorial Day Picnic, Barbecue, or Pool Party [Delish]
How to Calculate the Amount of Food You Need for a Party [Livestrong]
Food & Beverage Quantities to Order [Planning Helper]

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