How to Give a Great Toast

Whether you’re the best man at a wedding or the godmother at a baby shower, there are a few pivotal moments in life when you’ll be expected to give a toast. Here are a few tips to help you make a memorable toast that’s equal parts funny and heartwarming.

  1. Set the scene. Begin by introducing yourself and stating your relationship with the guest of honor. Use a humorous comparison, describe why the day is so monumental for your relationship, or just simply tell the crowd how proud you are.
  2. Use an anecdote. Guests love to hear personal stories about the guest of honor, but be sure that you don’t get too personal. Describe a funny time that you had together, but avoid delving too deep into embarrassing situations or nights of youthful rebellion.
  3. Go easy on the jokes. A few jokes about the guest of honor here and there are great, but be careful of becoming hurtful. This is a speech, after all, not a roast.
  4. Seamlessly turn the story into a toast. Add a poignant ending note to your story, such as how the guest of honor has become such a kind, responsible or hardworking person. Finally, invite guests to raise their glasses for a toast.

Make a Great Toast in 5 Steps [Real Simple]
How to Give a Good Toast [Cooking Light]
Toasting [Etiquette Scholar]

Tips For Moving-In Together

If you and your significant other are planning on moving in together, it can be a big step. If you're used to living on your own, or if you've never lived with someone, it can be a big change. But, if you keep these suggestions in mind, you're transition into creating a unified home will be a much smoother one!

Plan Chores
Not many people love housework, but it's important to keep up with routine chores and home maintenance. Prior to moving in together, a couple should talk a little bit about how they're going to divide basic household chores, and even consider whether they might have different expectations for tidiness.

Decorate Together
If you've lived in your own places before, you've each probably acquired lots of stuff to decorate your apartment. Moving in together means negotiating how to decorate a shared space, and even acquiring some new decorations together.

Discuss Money
It's not the most romantic thing to talk about, but discussing money matters upfront can establish clear expectations for things like how to split shared household bills, how you'll pay rent, and how you'll split paying for necessities like food, toothpaste, furniture, and more.

The Big Clean: What To Tackle To Get Your Home Spick-And-Span

If your home's in need of a "big clean", and you're feeling a bit overwhelmed, check out the list below that breaks down the major tasks that need handling to leave your home wonderfully spick-and-span. Like any big project, breaking it down into manageable tasks can make it far easier to tackle. Apartment Therapy's "Stress Free Plan" to pre-party cleaning offers a guide to stuff that you'd probably should be cleaning about once a month, regardless of how often you have company. You can accomplish everything on their "Big Clean" list in just about five hours, including such tasks as:

  • Cleaning kitchen stuff like your cabinets, sink, stovetop, and refrigerator.
  • Scouring nooks and crannies like windowsills, doorjambs, and the spots behind and beneath furniture.
  • Scrubbing the tub and toilet, and cleaning your shower curtain.
  • Discarding built-up clutter, like recycling or stuff for donation.

Want to learn more? Click here to visit Apartment Therapy.

Pre-Party Cleaning: The Short List

So, you just found out that company is coming Saturday afternoon — and it's already Friday morning. Instead of flipping out, refer to Apartment Therapy's "Stress Free Plan" to pre-party cleaning must-dos to keep you sane, and ensure your home is looking it's best, without having to spend a ton of time. Here's their short list of things to clean just before hosting a party, which you can accomplish in about an hour:

  • Clean the floors: dust, mop, or vacuum depending on the surface.
  • Clean counters, tables, and other surfaces.
  • Clean the bathroom for your guests.
  • Clean the kitchen.
  • Tidy up clutter.

Want to learn more about how regularly to clean your home? Click here.

Foot Care Tips for an Active Lifestyle

Your feet are one of the most important parts of your body, and you subject them to a lot of abuse every single day. Foot pain can be seriously debilitating, whether it be from strains, blisters or other issues. Here are some helpful tips for keeping your feet in good shape.

The most important thing you can do for your feet is wearing the right kind of shoe. Not only should they fit snugly, but they should also be appropriate for the kind of activity you are doing. Different kinds of shoes are designed for different things, so make sure your shoe offers the ideal combination of support and comfort.

Good sock selection is also very important. It’s important to wear socks that will wick moisture away from your feet as you exercise. Excess moisture left on the skin can result in blisters, fungal infections and more.

Toenail care is essential for healthy feet. You should always trim your toenails in straight lines perpendicular to your toes. This prevents ingrown nails and other issues. Make sure not to trim down the side of the nail.

If you feel anything unusual with your feet, you should consult a podiatrist immediately. Left undiagnosed, foot problems can lead to very significant health issues that can impact you greatly.

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