Computer Programming Puzzles for Amateur Programmers

Whether you’re teaching programming to students or learning a programming language yourself, it's always important to keep things fun. To prevent getting bogged down with codes and symbols, try these creative computer programming games instead of your next lesson.

The Puzzle Toad
Developed by Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Computer Science, The Puzzle Toad is packed full of word problems that require programming skills to solve. For example, a problem might include a fictional situation where you’re planning a large dinner party, and you need to rank 6,785 guests’ top 10 dinner choices. Theu can check your results (or get some help on a particularly diffic site also provides detailed solutions to every problem so that yoult question).

Project Euler
Project Euler’s goal is to provide continual learning for adults or students who desire more than what they learn in the classroom. While you don’t have to have a strong mathematics background to solve the problems, many of them build off of one another and teach you things as you go along. The problems are challenging mathematical and computer programming-based questions, and though math knowledge will certainly be used, the questions are focused more on computer science skills.

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