Computer Programming Puzzles for Amateur Programmers

Whether you’re teaching programming to students or learning a programming language yourself, it's always important to keep things fun. To prevent getting bogged down with codes and symbols, try these creative computer programming games instead of your next lesson.

The Puzzle Toad
Developed by Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Computer Science, The Puzzle Toad is packed full of word problems that require programming skills to solve. For example, a problem might include a fictional situation where you’re planning a large dinner party, and you need to rank 6,785 guests’ top 10 dinner choices. Theu can check your results (or get some help on a particularly diffic site also provides detailed solutions to every problem so that yoult question).

Project Euler
Project Euler’s goal is to provide continual learning for adults or students who desire more than what they learn in the classroom. While you don’t have to have a strong mathematics background to solve the problems, many of them build off of one another and teach you things as you go along. The problems are challenging mathematical and computer programming-based questions, and though math knowledge will certainly be used, the questions are focused more on computer science skills.

Two Helpful Apps for Expecting Parents

You keep up with your baby’s development with regular doctor visits throughout your pregnancy, but you want to stay informed in between visits, too. Innovative pregnancy apps help to provide a bit of extra peace of mind for expectant mothers, and they enable you to follow along with the incredible ways in which your baby is growing. Here are some of the best pregnancy apps for your mobile device.

Pregnancy & Baby
This app, developed by the creators of the popular "What to Expect When You’re Expecting" pregnancy brand, offers access to a wealth of parenting news and tips for keeping your baby healthy. A daily tracker shows a countdown to your due date and uses everyday objects to illustrate the size of your baby, and it also personalizes information based on your pregnancy progress.

My Pregnancy Today
View your baby’s growth and development in real time with the My Pregnancy Today app. Accurate, realistic illustrations detail what your baby looks like and help you to better understand your pregnancy, while an interactive checklist provides helpful tips for health and nutrition. There’s also a home screen widget that enables you to visualize your baby’s growth by comparing it to common objects, like a pumpkin or a poppy seed.

Train Your Brain With These 3 Apps

When trying to get healthy, there are countless smartphone apps to help keep us on track. These apps let you track your calories, workouts, and even give you healthy alternatives to junk food. While it's important to keep our bodies in shape, it's also important to keep our minds in shape. Check out these great apps to help keep your mind sharp.

Enhance your memory and attention to detail with Lumosity. This app designs a training program just for you to improve your brain function through games. You'll feel like you're just playing a game, when in reality you're exercising your mind.

Clockwork Brain
Improve your problem solving skills with the wonderful games designed by Clockwork Brain. Sprocket the Robot guides you through creative games with a steampunk design. Have fun while enhancing language, memory, logic, and more.

Math Vs. Brain
Keep your brain sharp by solving a few math problems a day. For every problem you solve, you earn a star. When you can't figure out a problem, just use a star to unlock the answer. You can keep playing and challenging your mind.

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