Simple Ways to Eat More Healthfully

It may seem difficult to change how you eat. But if you'd like to begin eating a more healthful diet, one of the best ways to do it is to start with some small, incremental changes. These tips from the NIH can help simplify the process of making positive changes to your daily diet.

Here's just some of the site's advice:

  • Make a grocery list before you shop. It may seem obvious, but planning meals in advance can prevent you from becoming frustrated and reaching for frozen meals.
  • Buy a new fruit every time you go to the grocery store. Have you ever tried papaya? If not, it can be a fun way to discover a new favorite fruit!
  • When you go out to eat, share entrees! Portion sizes have become increasingly larger in recent years, and sharing helps to cut calories and avoid overeating.
  • Change your cooking techniques. Often it’s not the foods you prepare that are unhealthy, but the ways you cook them. Instead of frying chicken, grill or bake it. Instead of using heavy oils, cook with olive or coconut oil instead. Seasoning with herbs and spices instead of heavy sauces also helps to reduce the fat in your meals.

To find more simple tips for eating more healthfully, visit the NIH website.

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The Facts About Dietary Supplements

Even if you try to eat a varied diet, it can be hard to get all the necessary nutrients. Many people turn to dietary supplements to fill in the holes. Are they safe for you? Here are some things you need to know about dietary supplements:

  • A dietary supplement can be a vitamin, mineral, herb, amino acid, or enzyme.
  • Dietary supplements are not drugs; they should not be used to treat a disease. They may claim to help with a certain ailment but are not actually approved to do so.
  • Eating a healthy diet is the best way to get all the nutrients you need. Taking a supplement is not a replacement for a healthy diet; supplements only aid in meeting the requirement.
  • It's important to do your research before taking any type of supplement. Some supplements should not be mixed with certain types of medication.
  • Just as it is not good to get too little of a supplement, it can also be bad to take in too much of something, especially iron, vitamin A, and vitamin D.
  • Remember: Claims on the label have not been certified by the FDA. 

Dietary Supplements: What You Need to Know [U.S. Food and Drug Administration]

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