Memorize These Cooking Terms Before Tackling That New Recipe

One of the first steps in becoming an expert in the kitchen is having a thorough understanding of each cooking term on a recipe. After knowing your ingredient, being able to read and follow a recipe correctly is important in how the dish turns out. Here are four must-know kitchen terms to help you out.

  1. Meuniere. This term refers to an ingredient, like poultry or fish, being dredged in flour, then sauteed in butter.
  2. Hull. When preparing a fruit salad, you may be asked to hull the berries, which means to remove the green stems and leaves.
  3. Macerate. Soften and sweeten fruits by macerating them, which means to cover them with lemon juice or liqueur until they have absorbed the flavor.
  4. Proof. Before baking bread, you may need to proof the yeast. This tests if the yeast is still active by dissolving it in warm water with sugar or honey for five minutes to see if it foams or bubbles.

The Basic Kitchen: Glossary of Cooking Terms [Le Petites Gourmettes]
Glossary of Cooking Terms [Better Homes and Gardens]
Cooking Terms [Recipe Goldmine]
Glossary of Cooking Terms [Cookery]
Culinary Terms: Food Dictionary and Glossary of Cooking Terms [Culinary Arts]

Watch Out for These Surprising Sources of Gluten

Whether you suffer from celiac disease or you simply want to promote a healthier lifestyle, more and more people are cutting gluten out of their diets. Gluten is most prominent in breads and other foods containing wheat, but it also sneaks its way into some fairly surprising dishes that you might not expect. Here are a few lesser known sources of gluten.

  1. Veggie burgers. Sure, veggie burgers are a great meat alternative for vegans and vegetarians, but that doesn’t mean that they’re right for gluten-free eaters. Many store-bought brands of veggie burgers contain wheat gluten, and some homemade recipes do as well.
  2. Salad dressing. While replacing a sandwich with a salad is a great way to stick to your gluten-free diet, be careful of the dressings that you choose to top that salad. A number of the thickening agents found in salad dressings achieve their effects with the help of gluten. Check for a substance called “modified food starch” before you purchase any dressing.
  3. Potato chips. Potato chips technically don’t contain gluten because most are made with potatoes and oil, but some brands of flavored potato chips contain flavorings that contain wheat, barley, or rye. Be cautious of any potato chips flavored with things like barbecue or sweet onion.

There’s Gluten In That? [Everyday Health]
10 Surprising Gluten-Containing Foods [Delicious Living]
7 Foods You Never Knew Contained Gluten [HuffPost Healthy Living]

6 Healthy, Low-Sodium Recipes That Don’t Sacrifice Taste

When you begin a low-sodium diet, you may worry about not being able to eat your favorite foods. Because the majority of the sodium you consume comes from canned, frozen, or processed foods, it can be easy to continue to eat the things you love, provided they’re made fresh instead. Here are a few delicious recipes that will help you stick to your reduced-sodium eating plan without sacrificing taste.

Artichoke Dip [Mayo Clinic]

Pizza Margherita [Mayo Clinic]

Grilled Asparagus Salad [All Recipes]

Lemon Garlic Tilapia [All Recipes]

Filet Mignon with Rich Balsamic Glaze [All Recipes]

Scalloped Potatoes [All Recipes]

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Healthy Eating Tips for Seniors

You’re in the prime of your life, and it’s more important than ever to maintain a healthy, balanced diet. If you want to manage your weight and start to feel active and energized, these simple tips from the USDA can help.

  • Make sure at least half of your grains are whole grains. When you go to the grocery store, look for breads, pastas, and rice are labeled “whole grain” or “whole wheat."
  • Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. The easiest way to ensure that you’re getting a good mixture is by buying them in a variety of different colors.
  • Eat seafood at least twice a week to get its beneficial protein and other nutrients.
  • Eat the proper calories for your lifestyle. Senior women need anywhere from 1,600 to 2,200 calories per day, while senior men need between 2,000 and 2,800 calories, depending on how active you are.
  • If foods start to taste different or irritate your stomach, talk to your doctor. Some medications diminish your sense of taste, but changing your dosage or your medication can usually help.

For more eating tips for seniors, visit the USDA website here.

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Five Beauty­ Enhancing Products You Already Have at Home

Beauty products and spa treatments make you look and feel great, but they can turn your wallet inside out. Try using these everyday products as quick, hassle-free beauty treatments to keep your looks in line.

Use this bathroom staple as a quick zit zapper. Rest easy with a dollop of the minty fresh paste on the potential pimple overnight and see it disappear in the morning.

Shine up your locks with a couple bags of chamomile tea. Brew two tea bags worth of tea, refrigerate it to room temperature before pouring it over wet, just-washed hair. Let it sit in your strands for ten minutes before rinsing it out for a beautiful, shiny mane.

Whole Milk
This wholesome drink works great as a gentle way to slough off dead skin and moisturize at the same time. For sensitive skin, add a gallon to your next bath for a moisturizing soak.

When life hands you lemons, use them to moisturize your dry skin! Slice a few lemons in half and rub then cut side over your rough patches. Let the citric acid sit for a minute on the skin and then rinse for super smooth skin.

Bananas & Avocado
These two emollient-rich foods do wonders for frizzy hair. Mash together one of each and work it through a dry head of hair. Let it sit for 10 minutes, rinse, and voila: beautiful tame locks.

Our Favorite All-Natural Home Beauty Treatments [Fitness]
Crazy Beauty Tricks That Really Work [Whole Living]
DIY Beauty Treatments! [Seventeen]
6 All-Natural Beauty Fixes [Woman's Day]

Use Your Juicer With These Four Great Recipes

Enjoy the refreshing taste of fruit juice? You can use a juicer to create some delightful juices, right in your kitchen at Coventry Court Apartments.

Don't have a juicer? You can use a blender instead, taking care to blend the ingredients thoroughly to achieve the right consistency.

Ready to start? Here are four juice recipes worth trying:

Cucumber Watermelon Lime

Pineapple Apple Mint

Post-Workout Refueler

Orange Carrot Ginger

The Benefits of Water!

Water is essential to a healthy life, and impacts countless areas of overall wellness. Below is a list of some of the amazing benefits of drinking enough H2O.

  1. Drinking water helps you lose weight because it flushes out the by-products of digestion. Also, drinking enough water reduces hunger, and it can act as an appetite suppressant, so you’ll eat less.
  2. Enjoying a glass of water can relieve headaches and back pain due to dehydration. Although many different factors can cause headaches, dehydration is a very common cause.
  3. When your skin is hydrated, it looks younger. Water helps to replenish skin tissues, moisturizes skin, and also increases skin elasticity.
  4. Drinking H2O raises your metabolic level, and aids digestion. Also, keeping hydrated helps to prevent constipation.
  5. Drinking plenty of water helps ward off the flu and other ailments like kidney stones and heart attack. Water with lemon can soothe ailments like respiratory disease, intestinal problems, rheumatism, and arthritis.
  6. Water is refreshing and is used by the body to help flush out toxins and waste products from the body. Because of this, hydration is a great way to fight fatigue.
  7. Some studies show that drinking a healthy amount of water may reduce the risks of both bladder cancer and colon cancer. H2O dilutes the concentration of cancer-causing agents in the urine and decreases the amount of time in which they are in contact with bladder lining, which can help to decrease your risk.

Drink up!

Improve Your Posture

When you slouch, it restricts your breathing, compresses your organs, and strains your back. If you make a habit of standing and sitting up straight, you will not only be doing your body a favor, but you will instantly look 10 lbs thinner! Here are some easy ways to keep your posture in check.

1: Take a look in the mirror.

Stand with your side facing a mirror, and check out your natural stance, without forcing correct posture. Sometimes a visual reality check is the best incentive to make your posture a priority. If you see that you’re slouching, draw your chin back to align ears over shoulders, and engage your stomach muscles. Correct posture aligns ears over shoulders, shoulders over hips, and hips over knees and ankles.

2: Sit up straight!

When you sit, press your back against the chair, and set up with both feet flat on the floor. Your neck and head should be vertical, and if you’re working on a computer, make sure your computer screen is raised high enough so that your eyes focus just slightly downward.

3: Get rid of bad shoes.

Shoes with higher heels misalign the body, so wear them sparingly, and the same goes for unsupportive flats and sandals. The best shoes provide arch support, have wide toe boxes, and less than one-inch heels.

4: Work it out.

Classes like yoga, tai chi, qigong, all work proper body alignment, and are great for improving your body awareness and posture over time. If you feel you need more individualized assistance, considering arranging an appointment with a physical therapist.

5: Remind yourself…again…and again

Post sticky notes around your home with reminders to sit and stand tall. The more often you’re reminded, the more often you can practice proper posture!

Easy Ways to Relieve Back Pain

If your back is giving you issues, you don’t need to just live with it. Even if you’ve suffered from chronic back pain most of your life, there are simple, easy ways to help alleviate your aching spine.

Sleep Well – Sound sleep helps to repair overworked muscles and ease inflammation. For an improved night's rest, it’s essential to have a good mattress and also test out various sleeping postures to see what works best for your body. Sleeping on your side is generally recommended for back pain sufferers, and many people like to place a pillow between their knees for additional support.

Move Your Body – When you suffer from back pain, moving often seems like a bad (or at least painful) idea, but gentle exercise is essential to heal and strengthen your muscles. Start with gentle stretches, and then try going for a slow, steady walk. As you stretch and strengthen your muscles, you may very well notice your back pain disappearing!

Pain Killers – For short term relief, over-the-counter pain killers can work wonders.  Look for a NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen. This combined with gentle movement, like a walk, are often thought of as the very best remedies for low back pain.

Heat & Cold – Cold therapy, like an ice pack, works well for inflammation and also reduces swelling. Heat, such as a hot water bottle or heating pad, is best for alleviating muscle spasms and cramping. Experiment with what feels best for your back pain.

Keeping Fit Over 50!

Who says you can’t stay fit over fifty? Studies have shown that the physical and mental benefits of exercise increase with age. No matter how many candles are on the birthday cake, exercise is proven to reduce illness and chronic disease, enhance mobility and balance, and improve cognitive functions like memory. These four basic forms of exercise will benefit everyone. Be sure to check with your physician before beginning any exercise program!

Balance exercises
These will help strengthen your leg muscles and prevent falls. Click here to read important descriptions of proper form.

Endurance exercises
These are cardiovascular exercises that will help improve your heart rate, manage your weight, and increase your metabolism. Click here to find out more information about cardio activities for older adults.

Strength exercises
These will help you build muscles, increase your metabolism, and maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Click to read about strength training exercises for older adults.

Stretching exercises
These will help improve your range of motion, allowing you to be more energetic and active throughout your life. Click here to read more about stretching exercises that will enhance your quality of life.

For a maximally effective health program, combine activities from all four categories. Make sure to check with your health care provider before beginning a new exercise regime. The best time to get started is now! You’ll feel stronger, happier, and more energetic – what could be better than that?

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