Simple Stress Relievers

Stress is something that can affect us at any age. If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed, and are looking to relieve your stress, we’ve got some simple solutions for you. Below are helpful suggestions to help reduce stress and bring more calm back to your life.

  • Journaling has been proven to bring several health benefits, including stress relief. Take a moment in a quiet place to write down your worries and clear your head – just getting your thoughts on paper will make you feel instantly better. Then, begin a list of what you’re grateful for to switch your attitude into a more positive place.
  • Breathing exercises can be performed anywhere and provide convenient and simple stress relief. Focus on the breath for a few minutes as you smooth out and elongate your inhales and exhales, and feel your stress melt away.
  • Laughter is a fabulous tension reliever, and it also brings about positive physiological changes. Put on your favorite funny movie or TV show, or call up a friend who always makes you laugh and giggle your worries away.
  • Meditation brings both short-term stress relief as well as long-lasting stress management. If you’re new to meditation, find a quiet place to sit and begin by focusing on the breath, drawing it in and out through your nose. See if you can count 10 breaths without the mind wandering off.
  • Yoga combines breathing and meditation with light exercise. One yoga class can leave you feeling instantly better, and a consistent practice will bring about greater resiliency to stress. If you’re new to yoga, look for a “gentle yoga” class or one that says it’s “restorative”.
  • Music can change your physiology in amazing ways – if you’re feeling run-down, put on a soothing CD and allow the calming tones to seep in. If you’re interested, you can also make an appointment for a music therapy session, which can help with a variety of stress-related issues.
  • Mild Exercise, such as walking, is a great stress reliever that can work in no-time. Stepping out and taking a walk provides you with a change of scenery, which can get you into a different frame of mind altogether. Plus, you reap the benefits of exercise as well.

Foods That Strengthen Your Bones

If you’re hoping to stave off osteoporosis and increase bone density, a simple dietary change could do just the trick. Incorporate more of these foods into your diet for strong, healthy bones.

  • Vegetables, especially dark, leafy greens, and also roots and stalks – these veggies provide you with essential iron and calcium. They also give you vitamins K and C, which, when combined with protein, help build healthy collagen.
  • Protein, like animal based-protein, beans, and soy foods – these foods will again build collagen.
  • Whole grains – whole grains are rich in magnesium, another essential for bone health.
  • Nuts and seeds – these food items are rich in minerals which help to boost bone density by stabilizing your mineral balance.
  • Healthy fats – fats such as olive oil, nut oils, and nut butters offer your body fat-soluble vitamins that are needed by the bones.

Knock Knock. Who’s There? The Amazing Benefits of Laughter

Laughing feels good. We all love a hearty belly-laugh, a cute giggle, or a jovial chuckle. But did you know that laughter not only feels great in the moment, but it also offers long-term benefits to your health?! The reason that laughter offers such profound health benefits is that it allows the pituitary gland to release pain-suppressing opiates.

So, what exactly can laughter do for you? It can…

  • Decrease blood pressure
  • Improve vascular blood flow
  • Oxygenate the blood
  • Give the diaphragm, abdominals, facial, leg, and back muscles a workout
  • Improve respiratory function
  • Reduce stress hormones, including cortisol and adrenaline
  • Improve the response of tumor- and disease-suppressing cells
  • Prevent respiratory infections
  • Reduce the occurrence of colds
  • Improve memory and increase learning
  • Help with alertness and creativity

If you’re looking for a super simple (and enjoyable) way to boost your overall wellness – start laughing! Turn to your friends, family, favorite joke book, comedian, or funny movie to help you crack a smile, if need be.

The Best Snacks for Any Age

One of the most difficult things about eating right is not going overboard with snacking. It’s relatively easy to watch your calories at planned mealtimes, but when it comes to snacking, it’s easy to overdo it. Below are five ideas for healthy, delicious snacks.

1.     Olives – A great way to get your fix of salty snacks is by noshing on a few olives. These delicious bite-sized morsels are low in calories and sodium compared to chips and other snacks, and also boast a fair amount of antioxidants and other helpful nutrients.

2.     String Cheese – Another good way to satisfy a craving for something savory is to enjoy a string cheese. Although cheese does have a little more fat, it also packs excellent protein and calcium. Plus, it's good for helping you feel full between meals.

3.     Fruit – Fruit is one of the all-best healthy snacks you can eat to satisfy a sweet tooth. Pick fruits with lots of fiber (like apples or pears) to keep you feeling satisfied until your next meal.

4.     Nuts – Nuts make an awesome snack for a number of reasons — they pack sweet, salty, and fatty flavors, and when eaten in moderation, they’re good for your health, too. Most nuts hold a bounty of protein and healthy, essential fats. The trick is to avoid fatty nuts like cashews and Brazil nuts – walnuts and almonds are the best.

The Benefits of Omega-3s

Omega-3s are essential fatty acids found in foods such as olive oil, flaxseed oil, salmon, sardines, and walnuts, and we all need them in order for our bodies to function properly. One of their most crucial benefits is that these fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, and a lot of diseases, such as heart disease and arthritis are linked to the inflammatory issues.

The Mayo Clinic touts some of the health benefits of Omega-3s, benefits such as:

  • reducing the risk of heart attack
  • reducing heart arhythmia
  • reducing risk of stroke
  • lowering blood pressure
  • lowering triglycerides

Visit the Mayo Clinic's website to learn more about Omega-3s.

Benefits of Walking for Seniors

Walking is a valuable fitness tool whether you are 8 or 80. But, for seniors, it is an especially effective way to lower blood sugar, reduce body fat, lower blood pressure, and improve bone density. In addition, walking can significantly reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke in older individuals.

Another advantage of walking is its low cost of entry – other than a good pair of shoes, you need little else to enjoy this revitalizing activity. Besides the physiological benefits of walking, there are also psychological benefits as well. The natural beauty of your surroundings, the birds chirping, and the calming sound of the stream as it bubbles over the stones are just a few examples of the positive mental stimulus and stress relief walking can provide. Or enjoy walking with a friend which also promotes good mental health and social interaction.

Studies show that walking just 30 minutes a day, five times a week can significantly reduce your risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, or joint problems. As with all activities, it is important to consult your physician before you begin any exercise program.

If you’re looking for a fun, simple way to greatly improve your overall health and well-being, go for a walk!

The Many Benefits of Green Tea

If you’re looking for an easy way to boost your overall health and immunity, it could be as easy as enjoying some green tea. Incorporate a cup or two of this ancient drink into your daily regimen, and rest assured that you’re fortifying your health as well! The University of Maryland Medical Center website has a page listing some of the benefits of green tea. Here are a few:

  • Green tea contains antioxidants, and it can help reduce coronary artery disease.
  • Green tea can lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol.
  • Some studies show that green tea might protect people from developing cancer.
  • Green tea can help control blood sugar levels, making it useful for those with diabetes.
  • Green tea may also help boost metabolism and help the body burn fat.

Stay Young with Yoga

Yoga has become an increasingly popular practice over the past few years. With its claims of increasing strength and flexibility while calming the mind, yoga has gained a loyal following of all ages. But, did you know that yoga can actually help you reduce or even reverse the effects of aging? If you haven’t tried yoga before, you may want to start after reading about its profound benefits. (Be sure to check with your doctor before beginning any new exercise regimen!)

  • Yoga can counter the effects of aging by moving joints through their full range of motion, which stretches, strengthens, and balances each part. This is important because muscles shorten and joints tighten with age, and yoga stretches the body to relieve stiff joints and lengthen muscles.
  • Yoga can help ease the pain associated with osteoarthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Recent studies indicate that yoga may be as effective as drug therapy in controlling hypertension.
  • Even after just a few months of a consistent yoga practice, you’ll begin to experience increased feelings of good health and well-being.
  • Yoga has been proven to be an effective complementary treatment for musculoskeletal disease and related disorders.
  • Calming yoga stretches reduce physical stress and tension while increasing overall relaxation.

Tips For Preventing Falls

As we get older, falling becomes a hazard. Joints get creaky, medication affects our senses, and balance can be easily lost. We might simply have trouble seeing obstacles in our way. When bones are brittle, even gentle falls become dangerous.

Luckily, preventing falls is easy. It all comes down to good housekeeping. Take these tips:

Eliminate clutter.

– Remove furniture that you don’t use. All remaining furniture should be stable and without sharp corners.

– Position furniture where you can grip it as you walk through the house.

– Don’t have electrical cords trailing across the floor.

Install safety bars.

– Make sure all steps—even the smallest—have sturdy handrails that extend beyond the final step.

– Install grab bars in the bath/shower.


– Install friction tape in the bathtub.

– Make sure rugs/carpets are secured to the floor.

Install stool risers and boosts.

– These devices make getting on/off the toilet, or in/out of bed, easier and safer.

Wear non-slip footwear.

– Make sure to wear non-slip shoes or slippers around the house. Don’t walk in in stockings or barefoot.

Have adequate lighting.

– Install bright bulbs.

– Consider using motion-sensitive lights that come on when a person enters a room.

– Use night lights in every room.

Avoid reaching.

– Keep important items on low shelves/cabinets.

– Use a reaching tool to grab faraway items. Never stand on chairs or ladders.

Over 50? Take a Look at These Vitamins

As we age, we eat less, cook less, and our metabolism slows. On average, seniors eat 1,200 calories a day. Meals are less likely to be balanced and drug regimens—such as corticosteroids, anticonvulsants, thyroid hormone, antibiotics, laxatives, or diuretics—may interfere with how some vitamins are absorbed by your body. Depending on your health and lifestyle, a multivitamin could be an essential addition to your daily routine.

Older people can easily become deficient in vitamins D, B6, and B12, and minerals like folic acid, iron, zinc, magnesium, and calcium. This is especially true if you lack exposure to sunlight or can’t eat certain foods. Lack of vitamin B12 can occasionally mimic more serious problems like confusion and memory loss, so if you’re experiencing these symptoms, make sure you’re checked for vitamin deficiency as well.

Some studies show that seniors’ immune systems may benefit from vitamin E in levels higher than the recommended daily dosage. But remember, your metabolism has slowed down; vitamin doses that are easily tolerated by younger people may make you sick. Ask your doctor to help you create a personalized vitamin plan. An extra pill or two first thing in the morning can make a huge difference in how you feel.

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