Let the Good Times Roll at Fiesta Lanes

Fiesta means "party" in Spanish, and that is exactly what you will be a part of at Fiesta Lanes. Whether you are coming to knock down some pins with friends, or arriving for a kids' birthday party, you are sure to have fun. After all, there is no other sport that you can play well while enjoying a cold brew.

Another great way to have fun is to join one of the alley's many leagues. Fiesta has leagues for youth, middle schoolers, and high schoolers, as well as a variety of different leagues that adults can choose to join. However, you do not have to bowl to have a good time at Fiesta Lanes. You can also catch the big game or play darts, billiards, or serenade the crowd during karaoke. And don't miss blacklight bowling on the weekends!

Fiesta Lanes
1202 Huisache Ave
New Braunfels, TX 78130
(830) 625-6263

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