Improve Your Health in 5 Minutes or Less

Running a mile or cooking a nutritious meal require a chunk of time, but there are a number of other things you can do to improve your health that take less than five minutes. These simple tips from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention can help you feel safer and healthier:

  • Wash your hands, and not just before meals. It only takes 20 seconds!
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator – it only takes about 2 minutes per flight.
  • Schedule a doctor’s appointment, whether it’s for a check up or to look into that pesky pain. You can call them on the phone in 2 minutes without even leaving the house.
  • Put on a helmet any time you ride a bike! This quick tip can help save your life in the case of a fall.

You can find more of these tips at the CDC's website!

Five Minutes for Health [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]

Public Domain/Public Domain

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