Why We Crave Junk Food—and How to Outsmart That Craving!

It happens to even the most disciplined of dieter: You're going about your day, when, all of sudden, you develop an intense craving for a sweet or salty snack. If this sounds like you, you're not alone! In fact, junk food is created with the intention of inciting a snack attack! The makers of your favorite potato chip or chocolate bar spend countless hours developing their product to impart just the right amount of crunch, sweetness, and creaminess to ensure you come back for more. What's more, giving in to your favorite junk food releases feel-good receptors in the brain, causing an immediate boost in mood.

Now that you're aware that there's a science to junk food, you're likely still wondering how you can combat cravings. To outsmart a craving, you need to first identify the craving and the reason behind it. Are you stressed at work? Instead of reaching for the comfort foods Mom used to make, call a friend to talk about your situation. Are you dieting and being too restrictive with your meal plan? Instead of cutting out pizza or chocolate forever, allow yourself to indulge in a piece of chocolate or pizza every so often. Moderation is key.

The most effective way to stop over-indulging is to limit your access to junk food. Keep your cabinets clear of cookies, candies, and chips, and after abstaining for a certain amount of time, you'll likely find that you no longer crave junk food as much as you used to!

The Facts About Food Cravings [WebMD]
Why Your Brain Craves Junk Food (and What You Can Do About It) [Lifehacker]
Know Why You're Craving Food [Women's Health]

How to Ensure You’re Safely Serving and Preparing Eggs

Eggs are essential ingredients in a number of dishes, but they can also be dangerous to your health if handled incorrectly. To reduce your risk of salmonella and other diseases that come from eggs, follow these important guidelines.

  1. Shop smart. The first step toward healthy egg care is inspecting your eggs in the grocery store for cracks or dirty appearance. Also be sure to only purchase eggs that are stored in a refrigerated case.
  2. Store them properly. Eggs should be stored in a clean spot in the refrigerator at 40° F or lower.
  3. Cook them thoroughly. If you’re preparing scrambled eggs or another egg dish, be sure that both the yolk and white are firm and that the egg reaches a temperature of 160°F. Never eat batter or dough containing raw eggs before it's cooked or baked.
  4. Store egg dishes properly. Dishes made of only eggs cannot be stored, so be sure to eat them immediately after cooking. If you prepare something else that contains eggs, always keep it refrigerated.
  5. Keep it clean. Even if you use the utmost care when handling eggs, it’s essential to wash your hands, cooking and prep surfaces, and any utensils thoroughly to remove any traces of eggs. Wash hands and utensils with hot, soapy water, and scrub kitchen countertops with bleach or another germ-killing product.

Playing It Safe With Eggs [FDA]
Eggs & Food Safety [Incredible Egg]
Tips to Reduce Your Risk of Salmonella from Eggs [CDC]

Refuel and Replenish by Eating These Foods After a Workout

The foods that you eat before your workout help to increase your energy level, but it’s the food that you eat afterward that’s really important. What you eat after exercising helps to repair muscle tissue and to replenish glycogen, which is an important aspect of building the lean, toned body that you strive for. Here are some of the best foods to refuel with after a workout.

  1. Bananas. Bananas are high-glycemic carbohydrates, which provide you with an instant boost to replenish your energy quickly. Try slicing one up and eating it with peanut butter on top of a rice cake.
  2. Greek yogurt with berries. Greek yogurt is packed with protein, which is very important in building muscle. Your muscles are depleted of their usual amino acids after lifting weights or performing an intense cardio workout, and this healthy snack helps to build them back up.
  3. Tuna sandwich. The combination of healthy carbs and proteins is one of the very best things to eat after working out. Spread some tuna on whole wheat bread to refuel after that gym class.
  4. Water. Replenishing your body’s fluids is just as important as replenishing its food supply. Be sure to drink plenty of water after working out to avoid becoming dehydrated.

6 Smart Snacks to Eat After Your Workout [Fitness Magazine]
What to Eat After You Work Out [Spark People]
Food as Fuel – Before, During and After Workouts [American Heart Association]

Cooking Without Eggs? Bookmark These Webpages!

Eggs are a staple in just about every recipe, but many people can’t consume eggs due to food allergies or a vegan diet. If you want to cook the delicious foods that you love without eggs, these websites offer simple tips and clever substitutions that can help.

Chef In You
The Chef In You Egg Substitutions page features just about everything you need to maintain an egg-free kitchen. A detailed chart describes things that you can substitute for eggs in a variety of dishes, including products like tofu, bananas, and commercial egg substitutes. There are even recipes that show you how to make desserts, breakfasts, and entrees without using eggs.

Kids With Food Allergies
Whether you have a child with a food allergy or not, this informative website will show you how to cook without eggs. The detailed articles describe alternatives for using eggs as a binder, a leavening agent, or a glaze, and there’s even a list that tells you some uncommon foods to avoid if you have an egg allergy. If you want to make an egg-free dish at home, Kids With Food Allergies also provides a few free recipes for baked goods without eggs.

Avoid the Itch: How to Identify Poison Ivy

"Leaves of three, let them be." It's sage advice when it comes to poison ivy prevention, but it doesn't really help to take the guesswork out of differentiating the plant from other, harmless varieties. If you're unsure exactly which three-leafed plants are off-limits, memorize these identifying traits:

1) Poison ivy has compound leaves.
Each compound leaf consists of three leaflets that share a stem, with the center leaflet always having the longest stem. The leaflets are usually jagged around the edges, but you might come across smooth-edged poison ivy leaflets from time to time. All poison ivy leaflets taper to a narrow point.

2) Poison ivy is usually glossy.
The leaves typically sport a waxy appearance. In the spring and summer, the leaves are bright green, while in the fall, they turn red—but they are always poisonous. The plant forms flowers in the spring and berries in the fall. The itchy blisters caused by poison ivy are an example of contact dermatitis; the reaction is due to urushiol oil present within all parts of the plant.

3) Poison ivy takes many shapes.
Shrub, bush, or vine, poison ivy takes on many forms, and it's not picky about where it grows. You might find it crawling up or tree or a fence or snaking across the dirt as a ground cover. Also note that poison ivy is found commonly all over the U.S.!

Do you have tips for identifying poison ivy or for treating the rash? Share them below!

How to Identify Poison Ivy [About]
The Mighty Poison Ivy Plant [Mayo Clinic]
How to Identify Poison Ivy [WikiHow]

How to Treat the Itch and Burn Caused by Poison Ivy

You've likely heard the saying "leaves of three, leave them be," but accidental brushes with poison ivy, oak, and sumac happen to even the most careful of outdoors enthusiasts. An example of contact dermatitis, the rash is caused by an allergic reaction to urushiol, an oily resin present in all parts of the offending plants. If you find yourself afflicted with the telltale itch and blisters of poison ivy, keep these treatment tips in mind:

1) Wash it off.
As soon as possible after exposure, soap up in the shower using lukewarm water. This will help remove any remaining oil that might be present on your skin. Before you hop in the shower, though, toss your clothing into the washing machine. If you don't, the oil poses the threat of infecting you—or someone else—upon contact later on.

2) Ease the itch.
Popping an antihistamine can help alleviate your symptoms. Cold compresses and oatmeal baths are also known to reduce the itch, especially when followed by an application of calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream. As tempting as it might be, resist the urge to itch, as aggressive scratching can cause infection!

3) Call your doctor.
If your rash becomes infected, you have a fever, or if your rash affects a large area of your body, seek the advice of a medical professional.

Poison ivy: Tips for treating and preventing [American Academy of Dermatology]
Poison ivy rash [Mayo Clinic]
Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac [MedicineNet]

How to Get More Folic Acid in Your Diet

Folic acid stimulates cell growth and regeneration, enhances red blood cell creation, and even prevents against depression, which is important for people of all ages. Pregnant women benefit even further from folic acid because it prevents against fetal deformities. If you want to take advantage of the many benefits of folic acid, here are a few of the best food sources.

  1. Dark, leafy greens. Dark green colored vegetables like spinach, kale, and collard greens are some of the very best sources of folic acid, and even just one large salad filled with these leafy foods can provide you with enough folic acid for the entire day. Spinach is especially beneficial, as it contains 65% of your daily value in only one cup.
  2. Citrus fruits. Oranges, grapefruits, and other citruses have more folic acid than all other types of fruits. One papaya alone offers 115 mcg of folic acid, which is about 29% of the average person’s recommended daily intake.
  3. Beans, peas and lentils. While not all of these foods are high in folic acid, there are a few beans, peas, and lentils that contain impressively large quantities of the B-complex vitamin. Lentils are especially high in folic acid, containing over 90% of your daily intake in just one cup. Pinto beans, garbanzo beans, and black beans are also very good sources.

Surprising Sources of Folic Acid [Yahoo! Shine]
Foods High in Folic Acid [Prenatal Vitamin HQ]
15 Foods High in Folic Acid [Global Healing Center]
18 Foods High in Folic Acid to Prevent Cancer & Birth Defects [Bembu]

Public Domain/Public Domain

Choose Fresh Fruits and Vegetables With a Few Simple Tips

Don’t you hate it when you buy produce at the grocery store, only to come home and realize that it’s tough and flavorless? Or when you bring home fruits and they become mushy and overripe before you can eat them? If you want to learn how to choose fruits and vegetables right at their peak of ripeness, these simple tips can help.

Check the color.
It’s important to know what color each fruit or vegetable should be before you purchase it. Most fruits should be the most vibrant shade of their expected color, such as bright red apples or sunny yellow bananas. Green vegetables should be a deep, dark green, and other vegetables, like carrots, should not have white aging signs on them.

Feel the texture.
Bruising is one of the main issues when buying fruits and vegetables, so gently hold your produce to feel if it’s bruised or soft. Citrus fruits should feel particularly heavy for their size, as that means they’re full of juice. Vegetables like cucumbers and peppers should feel firm to the touch, while lettuce or spinach should be leafy and full.

Store them properly.
Once you get your produce home, storing it properly helps to conserve its freshness. Most perishable fruits and veggies should be stored in a clean refrigerator at a temperature of 40 degrees or lower.

Choosing Fresh Fruits and Vegetables [Family Circle]
Raw Produce [FDA]

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Feel the Burn With These 3 Workout Tracker Apps

From counting calories to tracking the miles you run, monitoring your workout plan can start to seem like it’s taking over your life. These innovative smartphone apps can simplify the way that you track your workouts, and they may even make your routine more effective, as well!

Just like a personal trainer right in your pocket, FitnessBuilder guides you through complex workout programs and offers detailed instructions on any moves that you’re unfamiliar with. It also provides statistics like fat loss, weight loss, and strength progress that you can convert into PDF form and email or print as often as you like.

Daily Burn
This is the ideal app for just about anyone on any device, from your computer to your iPhone and even your Playstation console. It offers a number of workout videos for a wide variety of exercises, and you can even track how your results compare to other users online.

With MyFitnessPal, you’ll never have to rack your brain counting calories again. The app determines how many calories you should consume daily based on your current weight, age, and weight loss goals, and then it compares the food you eat throughout the day to that number. The incredibly large database contains nutrition information for just about any food or drink imaginable, so you’ll always know how many calories you have left to take in.

Facial Care 101: How to Wash Your Face

You've done it countless times, but did you know there's actually a right and wrong way to wash your face? In fact, there's much more to it than just wash, rinse, dry, repeat. See if you're doing the job correctly by reading these four steps toward a perfectly cleansed face.

1) Wash your hands.
Whatever germs, dirt, and oil is on your hands will be transferred to your face, so be sure to lather up first.

2) Use tepid water.
Water that's too hot will drain your skin of natural protective oils, so turn down the temperature.

3) Wash gently.
Using a nickel-sized amount of cleanser, massage your skin with your fingertips for 30 seconds to a minute. Use circular motions, and be extra gentle around the delicate eye area. Don't neglect your hairline and neck. Rinse with a few splashes of cooler water to close the pores.

4) Pat dry.
Use a clean towel to gently pat your face dry. Apply moisturizer while you skin is still slightly damp; this will help seal in moisture.

How to Wash Your Face [Howstuffworks]
How to Wash Your Face Properly [Popsugar]

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