Body & Brain Yoga: Exercise Your Mind While Strengthening Your Body

Many avid yogis believe that practicing yoga doesn’t just help to build strength and flexibility, it also helps to focus the mind and promote positive thinking. At Body & Brain Yoga in Humble, you’ll find a variety of different yoga classes held throughout the week that aim to do just that.

Skilled, knowledgeable teachers welcome new and experienced yogis of all skill levels into the bright studio, which is filled with hardwood floors and lots of natural light. The studio, which is a part of a larger chain, specializes in the traditional Korean style of Dahn yoga, which aims to promote energy both mentally and physically. Members are able to take group classes or one-on-one instructions with their choice of instructors, and there are often educational workshops that focus specifically on one particular area of your practice.

Whether you want to begin a practice or branch out to a different style of yoga, Body & Brain is a favorite studio among many area yogis.

Body & Brain Yoga
1255 Kingwood Drive
Humble, TX 77339
(281) 540-3246

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